Active shooter self defense

I wouldn't know about the second one. Without context, it's not easy to imagine how you'd end up in a position where you have full control of the threat's upper body, but you'd need to kill him by cutting his arteries, and for some reason the gun is between his legs.
Full version from a tape they did for military groups abroad. The principles are the same, but the context is battlefield sentry-removal.

Followed by two points, it's a format commonly used to summarize content such as text (TLDR) or video (TLDW).

Which does not, in any way, change the common meaning or common understanding of "Too Long, Didn't Watch."

If you want to try to defend your mistake with silly pedantry focusing on an uncommon and far-less-used understanding, I could give you a clew.
Full version from a tape they did for military groups abroad. The principles are the same, but the context is battlefield sentry-removal.

Hm I see. I'd be curious to compare the contexts of active shooters vs battlefield sentry-removal and whether that has an impact on the technique.
Which does not, in any way, change the common meaning or common understanding of "Too Long, Didn't Watch."

If you want to try to defend your mistake with silly pedantry focusing on an uncommon and far-less-used understanding, I could give you a clew.
Oh I'm sure you could teach me a lot about pedantry. :)
Hm I see. I'd be curious to compare the contexts of active shooters vs battlefield sentry-removal and whether that has an impact on the technique.
Probably the biggest difference, is if there's no body armor, in which case--head control, neck cranks, that sort of thing.

This is an OSS vet discussing what he was taught to do, and did.

This is picture from the training of that era.

If there is nowhere to run or hide will these techniques work as a last resort? How can these moves be improved?

My opinion for what it is worth:

1) Guns are distance weapons. In an active shooter scenario you are probably shot before you get within reach.

2) In a 3rd party "teacher" position as described....I would rather them crack the shooters skull open with a hard heavy object over and over until the threat is gone instead of trying a disarm they saw on youtube.
My opinion for what it is worth:

1) Guns are distance weapons. In an active shooter scenario you are probably shot before you get within reach.

2) In a 3rd party "teacher" position as described....I would rather them crack the shooters skull open with a hard heavy object over and over until the threat is gone instead of trying a disarm they saw on youtube.
Pretty much. Hand to hand is pretty last resort, unless you happen to be right next to them when they go.

Having a gun with range and decent cavitation is the only realistic option.
My opinion for what it is worth:

1) Guns are distance weapons. In an active shooter scenario you are probably shot before you get within reach.
Which is one reason why it would be helpful to have a distance weapon of your own.

Having a gun with range and decent cavitation is the only realistic option.
So you're restricting this to rifles only. Cavitation from handgun rounds is non-existent.
Which is one reason why it would be helpful to have a distance weapon of your own.

So you're restricting this to rifles only. Cavitation from handgun rounds is non-existent.
In comparison—yes. But what I basically mean, is that you probably shouldn’t use something like .22.
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Mark A Cochran
@Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator

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