Read this today. Some interesting and good points, moving beyond the mere "run/hide/fight" paradigm. I especially like the idea of bunkering rather than hiding.
Self-defense in a non-permissive environment
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Self-defense in a non-permissive environment
For some reason, there is an element of American society that believes people intent on murder will follow other laws. Laws such as those that prohibit the carrying of firearms in specific areas, for example.
Think about the logic of a “gun free” zone. Free citizens are specifically disbarred from carrying a firearm and other weapons based on an arbitrary geographic location. This makes sense to some people for reasons I can only guess at. Maybe they think a criminal will start toward a school to kill children and then stop, kick the dirt and say “Aw, shucks!” at seeing a “no guns sign?” Or maybe, they think that a teacher, who they’ve entrusted their child to for five days a week, will suddenly become a crazed killer once they step onto campus?
Regardless, gun free zones are partly responsible for the deaths of too many people. Unfortunately, spineless politicians are not likely to repeal these designated killing zones.
Spree killers, also known less-accurately as “active shooters,” tend to be cowards, and as such they will gravitate toward areas they believe less likely to be able to stop them. Areas like gun free zones.
So, what can you do if you are in a so-called gun free zone and encounter a spree killer? Here are a few ideas.
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