michaeledward said:
Osama bin Laden is an insignifcant homeless man living in a cave. The Taliban are a movement without a country. By reacting to either, in any way, we validate them and their positions.
So, despite the thousands they have killed, and are continiuing to try to kill, you would have us do
nothing to them? You would not have us try to stop them before they do so again? You threw in a lot of red herrings about KKK and gangs, but your basic message seems to be that we should not do anything about them and especially not use military force.
Let me see if I get the logic you use.
-You say that we can't have wars with anything other than nation states. Osama and the Taliban are not- so we can't have a war with them.
-you believe we should only use the military in wars.
-you believe that the military can't operate in another country against an enemy even if the local government wants us to.
So, looking at all of the above- you seem to be saying that we can't go after Osama Bin Laden unless he is in America itself and can't send out military after him.
If there is an error in the above, please illustrate it. But just based on what you have written in this thread, I think your views are quite outside what the vast majority believe. Osama and the head of the Taliban have declared war on the US and have not changed that position. I, for one, think we should fight them in the best way possible before they have a chance to kill anyone else. You feel differently it seems.
I am wondering if it is a 'red herring' to take one sentence of a post, and quote it, without quoting the full measure of the response. ~~ don't know ~~
Don Roley ... Let's start here:
So, despite the thousands they have killed, and are continiuing to try to kill, you would have us do nothing to them?
Please define the anticedent of the pronoun 'they'. I thought we were talking about the Taliban. Please tell me who 'they' / the Taliban killed. Who are they continuing to tray and kill?
You would not have us try to stop them before they do so again?
Again, it is not clear who you think 'they' are, but, I believe that before we discuss our actions - stopping them before they do so again - we need to assess the credibility of the threat. The Taliban have not ability to strike at the United States. Zip Nada Zero.
I would have us monitor the possibilities of credible threats. There is no credible threat.
The so-called red herrings ... KKK activity and gang activity ... referenced were brought up to demonstrate the result of behavior that paints 'The Other' as an enemy. The fear engendered by say 'THEY' all the time, spawns hate filled groups like the KKK and the gangs on the streets of L.A.
It really should not be a terribly difficult analogy to understand. On the SAT's it might read like this :
Illegal Immigrants are to the Ku Klux Klan as
"They" are to _________________.
Illegal immigrants have become a recruiting tool for the KKK.
"They" (still not sure who you mean) are to .... what? Republicans? Conservatives?
-You say that we can't have wars with anything other than nation states. Osama and the Taliban are not- so we can't have a war with them.
-you believe we should only use the military in wars.
-you believe that the military can't operate in another country against an enemy even if the local government wants us to.
Wars are fought between Nation States, or City States or groups of these. This is not so because "I say" so. It is so because that is the definition of war. I understand you may not like that. But countries don't wage war on individuals. Countries wage war on other countries. We are not currently having a conversation about invading President Ahmedinejad. There is a conversation going on about invading Iran.
So, on both of the two bullet points, you are correct. The Taliban, at one point were the representation of the Nation State of Afghanistan. We went to war against them. We won. They lost. They are no longer representative of a Nation State. We can no longer fight a war with them.
As for use of United States military power in other countries ... I believe there should be a very high threshold that must be met before we start using our military in such a manner. The risks of using military power at the behest of a friendly government are exceedingly high. This demands that the rewards of undertaking those risks must be similarly lofty. If we were to undertake an action, I believe the objectives must be clear and definative, with an end in sight before we even begin. In both Afghanistand and Iraq, I think we have not successfully addressed that risk/reward matrix. Which may explain the President's 30% approval rating.
EDIT --- If you can listen through to the end of this story, I believe you can hear the dilemma in using military force in other countries ...
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7244125 -END EDIT
So, on your third bullet point, I would not make that claim as 100% accurate ... but it certainly is closer to the mark than away from it.
So, looking at all of the above- you seem to be saying that we can't go after Osama Bin Laden unless he is in America itself and can't send out military after him.
I don't understand where you see a claim that we can't "go after Osama bin Laden"? I don't think I said that. I think that I have said, repeatedly, that the United States Military is an incorrect tool to go after one man. You know, like dropping 500 pounds of high explosives on a car carrying Mullah Gafoor.
I'm wondering if you feel the only way we can 'go after' anyone is with the military ~ that seems to be what you are suggesting. Should we eliminate the Central Intelligence Agency, then?
If there is an error in the above, please illustrate it. But just based on what you have written in this thread, I think your views are quite outside what the vast majority believe. Osama and the head of the Taliban have declared war on the US and have not changed that position. I, for one, think we should fight them in the best way possible before they have a chance to kill anyone else. You feel differently it seems.
What the 'vast majority' believe is absolutely irrelevant. I am not seeking election - which would only require a majority of one - or 5 if they are members of the Supreme Court.
What Osama bin Laden, or Mullah Omar declare is ridiculous, and should be treated as such. Every day, in every major city in American, someone 'declares' the world is going to end tomorrow. I'm not certain that the two thugs you reference deserve any more credence that we extend to the placard carrying doomsayers.
Lest you misunderstand, I don't think that these knuckleheads should be able to travel freely around the world. And if one or the other died by an assassins bullet, I wouldn't feel sorry. If they were captured and put in jail for the rest of their natural lives, it wouldn't bother me.
But the United States Military is spending two billion dollars a week to capture or kill these losers. They are the proximate cause for our current military adventures. And I am in no way certain they are worth what we're paying.
My apologies for the length of this post. In order to properly address the questions, I felt I needed to responde to direct quotes. Props to anyone who made it this far.