I'm kind of surprised this is even a discussion....Look, to the OP, if you are training in ANY martial art that has throws, and you are not learning ukemi or how to receive and to fall properly, then you are not properly training. I tell Aikido students all the time, one of the biggest limiters in Aikido and what will affect your progress is your ukemi. Learning techniques is one thing, but if you aren't able to take more advanced ukemi, than you cannot practice more advanced techniques. Ukemi even teaches you about throwing, if you are paying attention. I always tell people...pay attention when you are being thrown, where is your kuzushi, where are you losing it, what is the point of no return, and then how are you falling, etc.etc.etc. It sounds like your instructor never learned to fall properly, which is why he is telling you what he is....Since you brought it up here, I cannot disagree more with his notions.