I've always found some of the most interesting people in the MAs when I travel, and seek out gyms/training groups that might accommodate me.
As a traveler in an unfamiliar gym I've learned a few things (not just technique, which was awesome as well):
-Learn. you're there not only to learn their training methods, but to learn the vibe of the gym you're visiting; sometimes, it's good to bring that vibe back to your home gym.
-Follow their rules/tradition, and don't openly compare their training style with your home training style; you're a visitor and you don't want to rock their boat. however, if the instructor asks, then it's okay.
-Represent. Being an annoying know-it-all while visiting another gym will ensure you won't get an invite on a future visit. Represent your home gym well by respecting the gym you're visiting. You're not just a MA student, you're a goodwill ambassador.
-Talk to the gym leader/head coach/etc prior to your visit. Explain your situation as a visitor, and make sure that they have enough room for you. Dropping by all of a sudden can cramp some peoples' style. Be respectful of another's time table. On the same note, research the quality/intensity of their training style. Coming from a little/no contact gym to a full contact, functional fighting gym might surprise all involved. Some places also ask for a drop-in fee. Make sure you're not a deadbeat and pay up for their time, as well as yours.
-Be friendly. Have fun. Support your MA.
-Upon returning to your home gym, bring up some interesting methods from your visit.
-Always call/write the instructor you visited and thank him/her for your experience. Extend an open invitation to your home gym if they're even in your neck of the woods.
My $.02
EXCELLENT post...This is exactally how I started out in the MA many years ago..