I worked my way through the ranks, I cleaned the school, I taught lessons, I painted and anything else needed around the school, but I also know the costs of running a school. You have rent, utilities, insurance, advertising costs, it all adds up really quick. I have run the gambit when it comes to teacing, I have the students that could not afford lessons so I taught them for free, I had the people who had more money than brains and thought they could buy their rank, I have had the dedicated students that will bleed to keep the doors open, I have had the Momma Bears that thing their darling child should be a black belt but the kids can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I have ran through all types of students. I would prefer only to deal withteh dedictaed student, but if youare going to opne a school you will have to deal with all types unless you want to pay for running the place out of your own pocket.
I have no problem with dedicated students I have amjor problem with the people who everything for nothing.
I have no problem with dedicated students I have amjor problem with the people who everything for nothing.