DoxN4cer said:
I have to agree with Chad. Look at the historical examples of insurgency, even the examples of today in Iraq. A handful of highly motivated gueriilas in their home turf can really play havoc on highly trained military troops; particularly when those troops are restricted by rules of engagement that limit what course of action they may take.
Tim Kashino
I think theres a difference between 'cause problems' and 'have a chance'.
Right now, I'm seeing casulty rates of 400 rebels to 1 US marine in Iraq. Thats killed, not wounded. I've seen numbers of overall losses of over 100,000 Iraqi and Foriegn vs < 10,000 US K/W/M. If the US can domestically deploy 100,000 troops, combined with the mostly honest* local police forces, I can't see more than speedbump skirmishes that result in alot of civilians injured, and a good amount of property damage, but only a few govmt. losses and the majority of the rebels killed.
The US has proven that it has no problem using force against it's own people. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Kent State and more prove that. The last American uprising was fought using scortched earth policies, human wave tactics against a technically inferior and outnumbered foe who was deeply religious and fighting for thier own right to self determination. This time, we as a people are pretty much even technically but the military has all the 'good toys'. The fact that a few functional machine guns or AAM's may be floating around doesn't negate the fact that a true army just doesn't shop at Walmart for it's weapons. We simply don't have the quantity or quality of weapons one would find in Iraq or Somalia. Another problem would be, I honestly don't think the people have it in their hearts to fight. Sure, they complain, whine and *****...but how many vote? Speak out? campaign? Woman and Blacks and other minority groups fought for generations for the right to vote...yet less than 50% are registered to vote, and less than 50% of registered voters use the right.
Robert will muddy the issue by thinking the first civil war was mostly about wealthy slave owners keeping people in bondage and women in thier place. He chooses to ignore the fact that slavery was a dying institution, the bulk of the southern army was made of non-slave owners, that 5% of slave owners were of African decent, and that there were a significant number of troops on the southern side who were also of African decent. One has to wonder how things like race relations would have turned out if things had progressed without war. We will ignore that reality for the moment and say that Slavery was the galvinizing force that brought the country to war. But, we can leave the in depth debate on the first war to another thread, which I'll be posting shortly as soon as I have time to finish my own research into it. I think it will be an interesting one.
What issues do "we the people" feel so passionately about that we would take up arms and willingly sacrifice our lives for?
I see defence of my home, my friends, my family as 3. As much as I believe that Gays are 'just people' and should have the same rights as anyone else, I don't know if I'd die for it. I wouldn't go to war for either Bush or Kerry. When they put on the uniform and lead an infantry charge..maybe...but, I don't 'believe' in either enough to think they are worth getting a splinter for, much less dying for. I just can't think of much of hand.
One thing I do believe in though is States Rights...or at least the right to succede. WNY really should go the way of W. Virginia and leave NYS.

But, I wouldn't risk my life for that issue either.
Another point is, do we have any real regular militias left? These formed the core of the armies in the first war. Where will the core come from in a second? 30 'gun nuts' in Montana just isn't the same thing.
*Mostly Honest Police Forces - Reference to the fact that over 90% of the LEO in the US are honest, good minded people who do their jobs and do not abuse the privilage or position of being a LEO. This is in comparison to places such as Iraq where bribery, extortion and terror are the norm.