Kane said:
Mike, Are you telling me just because I have a different opinion on this than you that I am wrong and never read a book, read a newspaper, and only get my info on TV? My friend, I have probably read more books on political perspective than you might ever read. What you are basically saying is that just because my views are not mostly liberal means I am ignorant and only get source from off the TV. No Mike, it doesnÂ’t work that way.
Now that we are on the subject, can you tell me specifically where you get your sources? I actually think TV is liberal bias, so I donÂ’t see how you think I only watch TV. Anyway, please name a few sources. Cheers!
Kane, I am not saying anything about your views because they are
different from mine. I am calling you
willfully mis-informed; specifically, when you make statements like :
Kane said:
Who says those tax cuts only help the rich?
after I have posted hyper-links to stories such as:
msnbc said:
WASHINGTON - Since 2001, President Bush's tax cuts have shifted federal tax payments from the richest Americans to a wide swath of middle-class families, the Congressional Budget Office has found, a conclusion likely to roil the presidential election campaign.
According to this news report, the answer to your question is "The Congressional Budget Office" says those tax cuts only help the rich.
As long as you are willing to ignore statements by organizations like the CBO, which is supposed to be politically neutral (even if both houses of congress are Republican), you are behaving in a willfully ignorant manner, much like the followers of Jim Jones in Jonestown, Guyana (e.g. Kool-Aid).
Now, the statements about the newspapers and books, yeah, that was perhaps a bit over the top. But, reading Sean Hannity's book, is not the same as reading, say, "The President of Good and Evil - The ethics of George W. Bush" by Peter Singer of "The Myth of Ownership" by Laim Murphy & Thomas Nagel. (which are two of the books I have recently read, although there are others).
Now, since you asked:
I rarely watch TV News, either broadcast or cable. I do watch
occassionaly, 60 Minutes and Now (with Bill Moyers). When there is a big political story, I may tune in to the Sunday Morning News Discussion programs.
My internet home page is 'MSNBC'. I regularly visit the 'CNN' website and the 'BBC' website. I also have 'The Nation', 'Altercation Blog', and 'MichaelMoore's' website stored on my favorites list.
As my vocation is a 'Field Service Representative', I spend a great deal of time in my car, I regularly listen to 'Don Imus', 'Bill O'Reilly' and 'Laura Ingraham'; as well as local voices 'Jay Severin' and 'Mike Barnicle'. All Conservative voices.
My library of books is decidedly from the left point of view. Although I do own, and have read both 'The Way Things Ought to Be', and 'See, I Told You So' by the GRAND poo-bah of talk radio.
So, I am guessing, that I willingly seek out and receive more information from the other side of the political spectrum than my counterparts from the right. So, Kane, can you tell me where you get your information concerning 'Liberal' ideas. What Liberal Books have you read? What Liberal Radio shows do you listen to (OK .. there is no liberal radio ... so you can forget that one).
Thanks for playing - Mike