However, that aside, can I ask please, if as you say, you are indeed prepared to countenance it, what place would theism actually occupy in your worldview as an atheist?
My worldview starts by embracing my own inner power and accepting the things I cannot change. Therefore, theism is not needed. On a personal level, I don't need any religion or psuedoreligion to tell me how to behave. In fact, I would say that having an arbitrary, outside of the self, ethical system retards one's understanding of what actually is good. This is the source of relativism because there is no reasoned principle that anyone can look at, within theism, that defines goodness. Therefore it is what you make of it, you can be good by discriminating against homosexuals and bombing children.
The only time theism affects me is when people cross this with politics. It's an affront on liberty to force one's scripture through the barrel of the government's legalized gun. Many atheists make this same mistake. They transfer their veneration of a God to the Group-Government-Democracy and fail to realize that they created the mirror image of what they protested.
The Truth is reasoned from First Principle and passed from mind to mind through voluntary interaction. If a group needs a gun to force their beliefs, it's because they are pushing a pack of lies.