a punch out of the blue

Depending on the situation I might agree. I was just answering the question "if you look weak and defenceless who cares?" I think looking strong while talking someone down can actually help defuse the situation.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I really wonder how many Martial Artists who advocate on walking away after eating a knuckle sandwich would really do that. I bet most would tear that person apart.:shrug:

NO ONE, has the right to lay their hands on you. If it was me, I would show them the errors of their way.

I guess I'm not very politically correct.;)
I dont think many people period, would just walk away after someone had just hit them. If a person hit you once then they are most likely able and willing to hit you again. As for it being a matter of ego, well it is. Ego meens I in latin. And it is all about me if someone hit me. As for the proper conduct for a martial artist, which is warrior art or art of the warrior, I think that one would kick your but if you hit him or her. Bruce Lee got challenged many times and was more then willing to take them on. If you walked up on him and hit him in the face, which you most likely would not make it that far, but I'm pritty sure Bruce would beat your *** down. Would that make him a bad martial artist. No. Thats what a Martial Artist does he or she trains to fight. Not to train for 17 years and walk away after someone punches you in the face.
Some will say that there is no honor in fighting. That may be true, but there is always a winner and a looser. I would prefer to be the winner. People need to look into the true bloody histories of all these honorable Martial Arts systems we study. Its all honorable unless your on the recieving end.

Your friend in the bloody, warrior arts, Redfive
After the first punch He should have fought back.
All things a side from M.A.

If U dont devend your self
They will come
U fight back u may earn Your respect.
Now this is not good inside school
cause U can get suspendid or kicked out (been there done that)
But 1 can not always choose when & were he can defend them
Fight Back Defenitly
I don't train to hit back once I've been hit, I train to have the awareness to prevent that first hit from landing. Striving to be aware enough so that there isn't going to be anything "out of the blue".

Should there be one...well, his *** is mine. :D
Originally posted by Angus
I don't train to hit back once I've been hit, I train to have the awareness to prevent that first hit from landing. Striving to be aware enough so that there isn't going to be anything "out of the blue".

Should there be one...well, his *** is mine. :D

That is a very good point. I learnt it the hard way. I took the first hit and went down :mad: :D . No more of that kind of courtesy! (hopefully)
Angus, I'm glad you added that last comment. Too often martial artists act like they will see it ALL and never be caught off guard and it's nice to see you leave space for the possibility of it happening. Hell I'm aware too but there's imes I let my guard down to relax and have fun, if I didn't life would be pretty miserable. Mind you I don't drink or do drugs so I'm always at least normally aware.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Having be in alot of fights my self!!
I state this U can not always a void being hit.

I train for M.M.A.
Ok yes it is different than a street fight.
But if U think U can Avoid being hit every time.
U are fulling your self.

Oooooo yeah im 1-0
And geting ready for more!!
:snipe2: :snipe2: :snipe2:
Of course nobody can prevent every hit, and nobody said they could. But the idea is to train TOWARD that point, whether you get there or not.
"Officer, I felt I was in danger of recieving a battery, which is why I punched this guy over here in the nose."

And once you explain to the officer where you thought the assailant was going to stick the battery I'm sure he'll understand :D

That said I think that once someone has actually hit you it's on. Especially if there is a crowd around who saw you get hit first. I realise that there is a world of other benefits to be gained from martial arts but we often tend to lose focus on the fact that the arts in question are martial in nature.

After all you could get flexiblity from yoga, life path from religion, fitness from the gym, etc. Why spend so much time learning martial techniques, theory etc if you never plan to use them when the situation requires it? I'm not talking about seeking out conflict but once somebody has struck you (or even shaped up to) then the avenue of peace has pretty much been exhausted. Then we become martial artists as well as philosophers.

I got punched in the back of the head once...total sucker punch. I could have walked away, which probably would have resulted in a second punch to the same area. Instead I turned around and fought. Does this make me a "thug" as opposed to a Martial Artist? I think not.

Personally I think if you get it, you will react.
How you react will depend upon your training and yourself.

i.e. Will I was bouncing one evening I was trying to convince this very tall young man (18) that it was best for him and his friends to leave before he did something he would regret. Being that this was not my first time, I did keep track of his shorter friend (17) who was also trying to get into my face and was working himself up. When I saw him make a fist and start to cock back from his hip with it, I just reached out and slapped him across the face. His tall friend was surprised and just stood there, the shorter guy, reacted by saying, "You hit me?!?" He was going to react, but knew I was ready and he could not get his sucker punch in. So he tried to get the crowd against me by bringing up he was under 18 and a minor. then this guy from the crowd who I did not know, stepped up and said, "No, I saw a Man! B&*^% Slap a little boy who should have been spanked. And that is what I will tell the cops." They all left.

Point I am trying to make, I used the strike out of the blue to get his attention and to stop his intention of hitting me. So, people will react, but not all the same.

Just my Point of View and Opinion.

I think it was Ghandi who said, "To fight is wrong, but to fight poorly for a just cause is worse." Point being, yeah, if someone hits/attempts to hit you, it is on. Better you hurt him than he never learns a lesson about hitting people.

Originally posted by tonbo

You are only partially right, here.

Yes, it could be considered self-defense. However, remember that we are a litigious (lawsuit-happy) society lately, and people are suing each other for just about *anything*.


I'm going away this weekend, but I wanted to post in reply to this even before I finish reading the thread.

Anyone can and people often do, sue for anything in civil court. Too often you have to go hire an attorney to defend yourself against someone who may be suing you frivolously in order to waste your time and money. Lots of times, they will offer to drop their suit if you "settle" with them and this is often cheaper than fighting them in court to prove that you are right.

Whether this is fair or not, it happens and often your response will be dictated by how much money you want to spend on the issue.

The plan I offer via my link as sponsor of the School Management forum provides your legal defense at no charge other than your monthy membership fee of $16+/mo. depending on what you sign up for. This is just one benefit of course, contact me if you have questions.

A Pre-Paid Legal Service Plan is an excellent way to avoid such frivolous lawsuits and the concept is endorsed by the American Bar Association. I like to think of it as legal self defense.

How much money "should" you have to spend to defend yourself in a situation like this?

None is a good answer.

I have lots of annecdotes and client references but I will not post them here; contact me individually with any questions. Some of my clients have been involved in shootings before and if you think hitting someone can cause you a problem, wait until you shoot and kill someone in self-defense.

Mr. Parker used to say "...better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6...."

Better still in my opinion if it doesn't cost you anything.
But if he hits U hurts U & likes it What has he learned!

NOw this started with A school story.
This can Make a Tuff Year.

It is like a Virus once it startes if U dont Stop it>
It will Spread.

U Will Be A Mark.
& like a Parana They
will all take ther bite .

And no the Laws don't Work for the Martial Artist.

:revenge: :toilclaw:
Not Good Stuff
I have been readin this thread and I think most of you have lost sight of what martial arts is about. If you have trained for 20 years in MA and some kid hits you in the face, its morally and legally right for you to hurt him seriously? I think thats just a little backwards.
After all you could get flexiblity from yoga, life path from religion, fitness from the gym, etc. Why spend so much time learning martial techniques, theory etc if you never plan to use them when the situation requires it? I'm not talking about seeking out conflict but once somebody has struck you (or even shaped up to) then the avenue of peace has pretty much been exhausted. Then we become martial artists as well as philosophers.
What would happen if everytime a police officer got spit on or hit, he just trashed the suspect? What if the guy hits the cop so the cop shoots him? Isn't that the same reasoning you guys are using? It seems a little ridiculous when applied to that situation doesn't it? I've been hit before by some drunk kid who wanted to show off in front of his college buddies, instead of making him wake up the next morning in the hospital, I walked away and told his friends to take him home, nothing else happened, he got in my face several times, but nothing else happened. The funniest thing is his girlfriend came back in the club and found me just to thank me for not hurting him. But by the reasoning I've been reading, I should have broken a leg or something? What would that have proved? If you fight back you are no better than they are, you are at the same level as them, who is going to respect that ? I'm not! I'm talking about situation that can be resolved, not being mugged in the back alley, then you break every thing you get your hands on, but in situations where you get hit, you make yourslef the bigger person if you still walk away. You don't have to crawl, or even run, don't even turn around, just back up and remove yourslef from the situation, or would that go against the very reason some are studying to fight? If thats the case, you;ve got the wrong intentions and do not deserve the respect anyway.

If U don't STAND for something U'll
Fall foreverything.

This started with a scool fight
That a Martial Artist saw correct.

How does spiting on a Cop fit into
This Post??????????????????????/

Maybe im Wrong
about a month ago, my friend got into a short argumement with a girl. the girl was the one who started it and my friend just said a word or two and walked on. today (a month later) her brother steps up to him with about 3 people with him. it was me and 2 of my friends on the other side. the guy was yelling "cmon, cmon" but they didnt do anything because he talked his way out of it. he was 1/1000000 in away from getting hit. if he were to get jumped, would it be right to fight to help?
Well all the officers I know in North Texas, would beet your *** if you spit on them, or they would soke you down with pepper spray. If you hit one, again they would hit you back. Hitting an officer gives him the right to pull his ASP botton and hit you with it.
From reading alot of your posts and hearing how many times you have been hit and attacked and realy done nothing. You sound more like a punching bag. Plus you have a CHL but if you dont pull the gun while being car jacked and all, well your to damn passive for me. But thats not a bad thing and don't take this as a bash or anything. I'm curious to hear your take on the Martial Arts and why you realy study it. It seems to me that the Mantis style must be very passive or have a heavy philisophical tone to it.
I study Combat systems and methods. I train to heart people who wont to heart me.I study to hit, break, stab, slash , cut and maim. I did not get into the martial arts to learn danceing, or coreographed routines. Or how to use a weapon that has not been in use for the last 200 years. I got into it, to learn to fight. But a have noticed that there is sort of a devide on what the Martial arts realy are about now, and what they used to be about. Which was Military training for military forces, to go invade or defend. So I guess I'm not a Martial Artist per say.I dont no. But I would like to here your take on it. By the way I'm not a war monger or anything like that. I like to fight though. Its a part of me. If some on hits me or tries to hit me, will I call it hands on training. I will fight back, with reasonable equal force. Maybe just a little more.
Please don't hate me, Redfive
It would seem that we are split into two groups;

Martial Artists
Martial Artists

Oh and the;
"Waive my hands and feet around in the air but never hit anyone" Artist :D

Sorry, couldn't help the last one.
I f U Want Art By a Brush.

Combat is not pretty.