A punch is a punch is a punch........

As a retired nurse I have seen many types of injuries from blunt force manifest into major health problems. Kicks to the chest or abdomen can cause Aortic tears & ruptures even if the person has no history of problems. Contusions from a kick or punch in the chest/abdomen region can cause blood clots and aneurysms. Anybody who has a weak musculature shouldn't be kicked or punched forcefully in the body. I would strongly suggest keeping the (testing) kicks to the Butt. Males and females, or have them sign a total liability waiver. I know I wouldn't want to hurt someone unintentionally.
I blocked a kick with my shin last fall.. ended up in the hospital with not a break in my skin but with cellulitis resulting from the bone to bone hard contact and let me tell you.. I've had broken bones and Cellulitis Hurts far worse and is hellish to deal with~! So unless you know your students complete medical history (and the student knows) be careful utlizing hard kicks to anyone.

Just my thoughts,

Well, rather than beat a dead horse..... we have discussed two sides....... now we each need to just follow our guts and do what we feel is the best for us to do.

Thanks all for all the input it was great and eye opening!!
As I understand it, a push is nothing more than an open handed punch....I would think the same is true for a check.
Ok, after re-examining the question. A punch ceases being a punch and becomes a push or a check after it has reached it;s target and the weapon becomes an open hand. I could also say that a punch becomes a check when it has reached it's target then remains in a position to check. I know there is something else I am trying to get across and cannot find the wording for.
After a strike makes contact with the target and penetrates 3/4 inch impact ceases and then either it becomes a check or a push.
We prefer a check which still is useful rather than a push which just positions....... remember you can have a pressing check......

That is an angle I had not thought about. That goes in the mental file.:asian:
many miss that..... and it is so clear ..... at least to me. but it makes a lot of sense. Penetration is an interesting topic and to understand and control it is to me (1/2 the story at least), a strong key to putting the hurt on some one.....
