I appreciate everyone's responses. Can you guys tell me why I should use gloves? I'v always done my training on bags and target pads bare handed, except when I was learning boxing for a little while and my coach insisted I wrap my hands and where gloves.
What everybody has said about wearing gloves is right on point. Gloves protect the wrists and hands during hours and hours of hitting the bag. The main reason I think that gloves are important is because many people using heavy bags for the first time don't punch the bag properly. At least when starting, beginners tend to push the bag rather than striking and retracting quickly. There are some really good "How to hit a bag" tutorials on youtube. I would focus on tutorials from boxers, as they tend to hit heavy bags more often than anyone else. That's not to say that going full-bore on a bag doesn't have a place in training; it's very important. But to do that for an entire training session, especially when done incorrectly, can hurt the wrists. I do like hitting the heavy bag without gloves occasionally, but not if I'm doing a long bag workout. I'll go gloveless on the BOB.