A larger opponoent who throws crazy kicks.

Solidman82 said:
Actually I've found that being fast and having long range makes you an "annoying" person to spar. People try to hit you hard when they can because they figure it will stop you.

The problem is, they usually succeed.

Which is why when i spar someone bigger then me i stay in close, i can send a flurry of blows at him yet he cant hit me. Problem is lol they're bigger so they'll prolly push you away then nailed. And their annoying yes, but you learn something about your self, i prefer to fight someone and lose, i learn so much more about combat when i lose.
Laborn said:
Which is why when i spar someone bigger then me i stay in close, i can send a flurry of blows at him yet he cant hit me.

I love it when people try to get in close to me because I'm a "big guy"...

They learn not to love it...
Laborn said:
big people are slower in moving, small light people are much quicker, for instance i cant get 3-4 kicks in before they get 1..even tho the 1 is very painful lol, since im small tho i work on speed, speed is my best friend lol.

I'm 5'10" 255 (yep, lost another 5 since the last vid) and I can dance circles around some people.. One shouldn't underestimate a large person's ability to move fast. You should see the videos of Big nick in the members in motion section of the forums.

I'm not sure if I understand how a person can be "slow but powerful." I always thought powerful strikes are possible only with great speed and accuracy.
What is it that you are calling crazy kicks? Whom are you sparring against? Keep in mind that everything takes time. Relax and enjoy yourself during the learning process. No one is just born a great fighter. It takes time to find your style of sparring. Always remember this. There are many aspects to fighting. Sparring in the studio, fighting to save your life, TKD style tournaments, open tournaments, kickboxing, ufc style, the list goes on and on. Be patient.
Shaolinwind said:
I'm not sure if I understand how a person can be "slow but powerful." I always thought powerful strikes are possible only with great speed and accuracy.
Take a nerf ball and throw it at window and then throw a hard ball at the same window. Both actions are throwing a ball at a window.
TX_BB said:
Take a nerf ball and throw it at window and then throw a hard ball at the same window. Both actions are throwing a ball at a window.
Okay. now what...

j/k :p
jfarnsworth said:
Hey now. We all aren't born the size of a tree :) . Some of us have to deal with the hand we were dealt.:uhyeah:

Someone once asked me if I looked at everyone being shorter or smaller than me for the most part. I replied, no Lisa is Lisa size, and Nick is Nick size, and this is how I know them so they are not large or small, just this is the shape I think of them in. So I call that the average for them ;) :D
:) There are advantages to being short just as there are advantages to being tall. Work within your natural abilities and try to improve those attributes you were not born with.

I have been blessed to spar large men via the hawiian kempo group here in town. No one is smaller than 6'4" 240 lbs. I can tell you from experience that you need to practice your fundamental kicking and punching. Your technique still has not developed as they would not continue toward you if you were throwing your strikes correctly. Took me 6 years of getting beat down to figure it out. You will learn if you have the perseverence to continue your training.

Best Regards,

Sifu Jerry
My only real advice is to always be smarter than your oppenent.
One should not rely solely on physical attributes alone, but should constantly be out smarting their opponents, and always be one step ahead.
I know that this is much easier said than done, but when you acheive this level you would be amazed at how easy it is to defeat your opponent.
(Hey didn't this work very well for Bruce Lee?)
You still have much training to fulfill, but it will come soon enough.

bobster_ice said:
if he beats you, get a brick and smash it in his face

Brilliant. Last I heard, that's not allowed in TKD sparring. Which, btw, is the topic of this thread.