This is something I've always wondered about too. (Apologies, I realise this is a TKD forum question)
Like DD, we were taught that the higher the kick, the more you should pivot. Lower kicks it's fine at 9:00. Head kick at 6:00.
I tend to pivot to about 9:00 or even 7:30. I try pivoting my foot to 6:00 (the full 180°) especially for high kicks, but I feel a little off balance, like
@skribs said about the foot facing the direction of the kick.
Then I'm also wondering about knee health. I've always been told to pivot as much as you can to protect the knee from any torque. Would anyone say this is the case? Would pivoting to 9:00 be more 'damaging' to the knee than say 6:00? Juat wondering if this is a big reason why the big pivot...