To perform fajin one must have root (chen). To have root one must have sung. The more sung one acquires the better is one’s chen. The better is one’s chen, the better can one fajin. To bounce someone 2-3 metres, one’s chen must be better than the opponent. You cannot bounce someone who has a better chen than you.
Here’s a simple exercise one can carry out with a partner to ‘feel’ the correct method of fajin. This exercise assumes you have a pretty decent root. If you have little or no root this exercise will not show you anything. Find someone who has a lesser root than you, or someone who has no root. It doesn’t matter how good is your partner’s root, as long as it is less good than yours. As an example, let’s say you have 300 points of root, your partner’s root can be 290 points or below.
Now follow these steps:
1) Have your partner stand in front of you. They can tense up or relax and sink, it doesn’t matter (though they will be easier to bounce if they tense up). Until you have successfully ‘felt’ how to fajin, simply ask them to stand upright. After you have ‘felt’ and know how to fajin, your partner can use a more stable stance, it doesn’t matter at that point.
2) Stand upright, relax and sink.
3) Raise your arms, extend your fingers and place all 10 fingers on your partner’s upper chest, with only your fingertips touching your partner (if your partner is female, ask them to hug themselves and place your 10 fingers on her folded arms)
4) Now slowly, gently and most importantly, ‘negatively’ (read my coffee cup example in an earlier post) extend your arms and fingers in the direction of your partner. Your shoulders, elbow, wrist, and fingers must all be sung and ‘disconnected’ (like a metal chain, and not like a stick or acting as one unit)
5) If done correctly, you will feel as if your partner has no root at all and you can ‘tip’ them over. The feeling is as if your partner is an empty coke bottle and when you lightly touch the bottle, the bottle ’tips' over and falls.
Once you are very familiar with this alternative method of pushing, and once you have trained enough to be able to move ‘negatively' with speed, this exercise can be done with the palm of your hands and with greater speed. At this point, anyone who has less root than you can be bounced easily and with little effort, no matter what their stance is (low, high, stable etc). You will feel like your opponent is an empty coke bottle and can be flung easily and without using any force at all.
My next post will explain how to 'supercharge' your fajin.