A few more books to give away, kenpo

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
I've got a few more books I would like to clear from my collection. The first person to send me a private message gets them, I will ship to you.

ed Parkers 5 volume set of Infinite Insights into kenpo, including the family tree insert.

Ed Parkers kenpo karate, law of the fist and the empty hand.

Kenpo continuum, compiled by Amy Long.
I'm surprised your're letting them go. I could never get rid of anything in my martial arts collection. Curious. what is your opinion of Amy's book.
I know what Flying Crane is up to. You have to get rid of them every so often. Otherwise, you'll never find the dog.

I'm surprised your're letting them go. I could never get rid of anything in my martial arts collection. Curious. what is your opinion of Amy's book.
For a long time, I couldn't either. But my life was just getting more and more cluttered so it started to make sense. A lot of these books, I read them a couple times, a long time ago, and life is taking me in different directions. I don't see ever reading them again.

Amy's book was cool, but I'm no longer involved in kenpo and I have no ties with the people in the book. It's interesting if you still run with those people, but if not, most of them are not people I know at all.