I was thinking of ordering getting some of Lee Bachman's books on kenpo. I was looking specifically at Universals of Kenpo, Kenpo Physics and Kenpo Theory: The Why. It is very difficult for me to get my hands on Ed Parker's Infinite insight series (I'm in Australia) and Lee Bachmans books seem interesting, not to mention easier to get. What are your opinions of his books?
If it helps I'm a (soon to be) purple belt and have been doing MA for 2 and a half years (still a wet behind the ears tiger)
Any suggestions would be great
Thank You Kindly
-Later- J.
I was thinking of ordering getting some of Lee Bachman's books on kenpo. I was looking specifically at Universals of Kenpo, Kenpo Physics and Kenpo Theory: The Why. It is very difficult for me to get my hands on Ed Parker's Infinite insight series (I'm in Australia) and Lee Bachmans books seem interesting, not to mention easier to get. What are your opinions of his books?
If it helps I'm a (soon to be) purple belt and have been doing MA for 2 and a half years (still a wet behind the ears tiger)

Any suggestions would be great
Thank You Kindly
-Later- J.