911 Burger King call

Ohhh yes please protect us from the wrong cheese burgers!! Lawdy help us please!

This needs to be filed under the "how-stupid-is-that?" cabinet.

Problem was the management not simply complying with the customer's request and it definitely, absolutely wasn't worth or no-where-near-necessary for the customer to call 911 over it.
I'm sure I've heard this one. Uneffingbelievable. WHAT ... was she thinking???
Listen to the lady call 911 over a situation at a local Burger King. Here


Could someone kindly please transcribe what was said for someone like me who can't hear it? :)

Thank you!

- Ceicei
Could someone kindly please transcribe what was said for someone like me who can't hear it? :)

Thank you!

- Ceicei
I'll be happy to, Ceicei, but I have to run some errands first. :)
i love hte end go get your money back and go on your way home .. ok buhbye
If that was on a 911 line, it went on way too long.

But people really are amazing in what they'll call the cops on...

A few years ago, I was stuck in dispatch one snowy day...

Had one woman call 3 times; she wanted to know if it was safe for her son to drive in the snow. How the heck did I know? I don't know how well her son drives!

Even better... A woman called because she was "worried about the little birdies." See, they'd cut a lot trees down along a power line, and she didn't know where the little birdies were gonna go in the snow!

Then there was the guy who wanted me to arrange a full scale manhunt for a cat... If his kid had left the stray alone in the first place, nobody would have been looking at the prospect of rabies treatment... And, unless you could be 110% certain you found the right cat -- I'd say get the rabies shots anyway! That's not something you want to be wrong about!
I can call 911 if McDonalds gets my order wrong SWEET!!!

Please save me I am being harrased by a Dangerous Cheeseburger and one of the fries just tried to take my wallet.

I may just start eating at McDonalds again...

Give me a break
I heard this before, unbelievable huh? People....sheesh. They ought to fine her for the waste of time of the 911 operators. There are REAL emergencies out there.
If that was on a 911 line, it went on way too long.

But people really are amazing in what they'll call the cops on...

A few years ago, I was stuck in dispatch one snowy day...

Had one woman call 3 times; she wanted to know if it was safe for her son to drive in the snow. How the heck did I know? I don't know how well her son drives!

Even better... A woman called because she was "worried about the little birdies." See, they'd cut a lot trees down along a power line, and she didn't know where the little birdies were gonna go in the snow!

Then there was the guy who wanted me to arrange a full scale manhunt for a cat... If his kid had left the stray alone in the first place, nobody would have been looking at the prospect of rabies treatment... And, unless you could be 110% certain you found the right cat -- I'd say get the rabies shots anyway! That's not something you want to be wrong about!

I can sympathize with you, as I deal with things like this all the time. Gotta love those people. "911, whats the address of your emergency?" "Well, its not really an emergency." I'm thinking, "Well, what the hell are you calling 911 for????????" LOL!

As for this...you're right..something like this, on an emergency line, went on way too long. The dispatcher let her control the call instead of the other way around. At least they informed her it was a civil matter. Likewise, if this happened where I work, she would not be getting an officer to debate whether or not the burger was done right. At the least, if she was causing that much of a disturbance and the restaurant called, someone would be sent to deal with that, but knowing the cops I work with like I do, they would not entertain this woman and her burger dilemma.

Status of this, according to Snopes, is undetermined. Personally, I think it's a fake. I don't think a real 911 operator would let the call go that far when it's been established there is no emergency.
The call starts with "Sheriff's Department", not "911...what is your emergency?" or some other variant that's more typical in a 911 call. "Sheriff's Department" suggests it was a non-emergency line.

Could it have been a prank? Sure. Could it be a complete fake? Yeah. But... I've seen and taken enough stupid calls to emergency services (recall the "little birdies"...) to believe that it's possible. Given some of the confusion about where she is versus where she lives, and the general tone of both callers... I can easily believe this is a real call. I can't prove it... but it doesn't scream fake, either. Snopes does say the RECORDING is real; whether the caller was faking it or not is up in the air. However... most pranks along those lines end up with giggling or internal inconsistencies that give them away. So, I pretty much think that this was a massively self-involved woman who has no understanding of real problems...
In a better world, there would be a second 911 call coming in about half an hour later....

Operator: 911, what is your emergency?

Caller: You need to get an ambulance over to the Burger King in Laguna Beach...um, see... this woman was being a complete donkey and, well.... the BK manager and the folks behind her in the drive through line...uh... well they'd had enough and they crammed about 5 Western Burgers, ah, right up her.........
The call starts with "Sheriff's Department", not "911...what is your emergency?" or some other variant that's more typical in a 911 call. "Sheriff's Department" suggests it was a non-emergency line.

Missed that.
Could it have been a prank? Sure. Could it be a complete fake? Yeah. But... I've seen and taken enough stupid calls to emergency services (recall the "little birdies"...) to believe that it's possible.

Well, you really have to be in a position to TAKE these incoming calls to be able to believe the depths of stupidity that some people have.

Before I took my present job, I would never have thought people could be so dense -- to the point where I wonder how they can negotiate the challenges of daily living! How can they survive if they have so little sense?

Here -- hear these calls here, they are real!


People calling in and asking for help with some matter, and then absolutely REFUSING to take your advice. People saying that they are being attacked by the localhost. I have heard them all. It makes you wonder if that whole "Darwin" thing is wrong!

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