It is a very good question that I do not have an answer for. But I feel there is a minimum standard. This would be a great exercise for someone who is up to the task of weighting different aspects that are common to the majority of MA's.when they inevitably put me in charge of the world, just after I've banned war and poverty and greed,il deal with the black belt issue.
all blackbelts must have the minimum standard of being international level gymnasts. that's the only level of fitness and control of your body that is appropriate to high rank in ma. on top of that they must be able to walk uninjured over broken glass, pick up red hot potss with their forearms and either fight 10 big bouncers at the same time or go ten rounds with a national champion boxer at the same weight division. anything less than this is bringing ma in to disrepute.
I considered including catching flies in mid flight, catching rattle snakes in mid strike and sleeping on a bed of nails, but decided they were to hard to test
where would you put the minimum standard .? and why ?
The why is to maintain value in MA's and not letting it wash away into to obscurity.