5 reasons TaeKwonDo as a system (not individual techniques) breaks down in a Muay Thai ring

I always thought Juri was pretty strong, for a TKD expert. Juri has a number of special techniques, including a quick flip kick, a dive kick, and a technique called Fuhajin kick, which allows fireballs to be fired from her feet.

Now, is she strong enough to beat Sagat? Well, that depends entirely on how much training the player has. Sagat is beatable, but he's super strong and was at one point was only a boss fight controlled by the CPU and not available to play. Once he sorted out his feud with Ryu, he was a lot more powerful.

So, in the end, it really depends on how experienced the player is. If you're just mashing buttons, Juri loses every time. But learn some secret moves, and you're golden.

Wait. You mean we're not talking about Street Fighter video games? Oh...
I always thought Juri was pretty strong, for a TKD expert. Juri has a number of special techniques, including a quick flip kick, a dive kick, and a technique called Fuhajin kick, which allows fireballs to be fired from her feet.

Now, is she strong enough to beat Sagat? Well, that depends entirely on how much training the player has. Sagat is beatable, but he's super strong and was at one point was only a boss fight controlled by the CPU and not available to play. Once he sorted out his feud with Ryu, he was a lot more powerful.

So, in the end, it really depends on how experienced the player is. If you're just mashing buttons, Juri loses every time. But learn some secret moves, and you're golden.

Wait. You mean we're not talking about Street Fighter video games? Oh...

LMAO Why do you have bring out nostalgic memories in me? I'm suffering as it is.
I'm ITF. Fighters of both of the two main federations (WTF/ITF) will be on the behinds if they do jumping back kicks, you know, the types of techniques that actually signify taekwondo from other arts. If you just throw old school roundhouse kicks, you might as well go in there as a KickBoxer.
Focusing on the techniques that work in a given context doesn't make it suddenly NOT Tae Kwon Do. A subset of the style doesn't cease to be representative of the style.
Because the curriculums are roughly the same no matter if you do KKW/WTF style in Iran or Norway. The styles are codified
Why do you keep skirting serious questions and then repeating these falsehoods? Who and what styles are codified in "KKW/WTF style." Are we talking about styles in sparring, breaking, standard poomsae, creative poomsae, or hoshinshul? And please answer my earier questions about you so called "universal" footwork training supposedly pushed by the WTF. Welcome to MT. You are now in the big leagues sir, so when yo make big statements, expect big questions.
KKW IS the style:rolleyes: Seriously, if you don't even know that about TKD it's not possible to carry on the discussion. I'm being serious now.

I don't suppose you noticed his username? I'm off for the popcorn now.
Doesn't mean he knows the other styles of TKD.. Because that one was embarrasing.

Ok, that's enough. We are have had more than enough of your nonsense, it's about time you grew up, stopped whinging, whining and more importantly stopped insulting people. People here have been more than tolerant of your prattling, they have seriously and sincerely tried to engage with you, all you've done is throw that back in people's faces.

Experienced martial artists have tried to point out that you have little idea of your own style let alone others yet you insist they are wrong and you are right. You have taken the attitude that you must educate the posters here on the failings of their styles as well as, less forgivably, disrespected your style, you school and your instructors. You should be ashamed of yourself quite frankly.

No style is perfect, no student or instructor either but to disrespect your instructor the way you do on a public, international site is disgraceful. To read when you write that you will take a free black belt, that your gradings are a given but the teaching bad is embarrassing. To see you calling other posters embarrassing is cringe worthy, to read your 'arguments' about how everyone is wrong but you is to see someone who is clearly not thinking about how he is representing his school, style and instructors.

The answer to everything you write is very simple.....shut up and train. if you don't like where you train then have some integrity and leave. Summon up your self respect and stop disrespecting other people and their arts, learn everything you can by experiencing it. Don't try to teach your grandmother to such eggs, be humble and be prepared to learn.

This is a friendly place, it really is, if you had written the posts you have here on many other sites you would have been ripped a new one. Please take this as a friendly warning, don't insult people and tell them they are embarrassing, they aren't, the embarrassment is you.

Stop and think about the impression you have given us, of a petulant schoolboy who thinks because he has trained a little he knows everything. Son, no one knows everything, all of us still have much to learn, the difference is we know it, you don't. Don't go off in a huff instead, stay and read, ask questions and learn. We don't know all the answers, there's a lot we can learn together but you need to empty your cup to use a cliché, yes it is a cliché but it's still true, you need to empty your mind of what you think you know to make way for what you can learn.

So, as I said, that is enough, make an end of this thread before it gets locked. Bow out, and come back with a new attitude, you will be welcome I can assure you.
This is what just transpired:

- What do you train:

- Shotokan Karate, JKA sparring.

- Which style of Shotokan/JKA?

Why has all this got to happen. Who cares if Muay Thai is better than taekwondo. They're both great martial arts and both have amazing athletes and fighters. There's more to life than just who can take who in a fight. Some like Muay Thai more and some like taekwondo some like karate some like Jiu Jitsu some like boxing some like aikido some like monkey Kung fu. Who cares it's all about preference I don't know if my styles can take out other styles and frankly I don't care I just enjoy my training. It's not even about learning to fight for me it's just about learning and practicing and staying in shape and meeting people
To the OP. You don't seem to be aware of the approach you have taken. You posted a very definitive statement, backed by definitive statements. Each time someone disagrees with one, your default position appears to be to assume they either a) have very little knowledge in the area, or b) don't understand the issues at all.

Here's the issue with those stances: most of the people replying have more experience than you do. I'll use myself as an example - not because I'm special, but precisely because I am not. You have 4 years of TKD experience. I have none. My primary art isn't even known for its kicking. But I've been in martial arts since the early 1980's. I have significant experience in 4 or 5 arts (depending how you count them) and some dabblings in a number of others. In spite of the fact that I'm not a specialist in kicking, and don't actually kick much, I've probably performed (and received) several times as many kicks as you, simply because I've been at it a while. Remember how I said I'm not special? I'm not. There are folks responding to you, whose knowledge about striking (especially kicking), sparring, and more notably both TKD and MT puts my meager knowledge to shame. Some have been at MA since before I saw my first MA movie.

And yet, when folks put forth a counter-argument, you are entirely dismissive. You either tell them they are wrong because they don't know anything, or you just dismiss their argument without counterpoint.

Most of us come here to learn from each other. When someone gives me a point I don't agree with, I assume it's my job to figure out why they disagree, and either accept their point, or put forth something resembling a cogent argument of why I disagree with them.

Why are you here? I don't need to know the answer to that question, but you do.
Tez got angry :bored:

Not so much, more being the parent telling the OP to go to his bedroom and reflect on what he's done. To do that to his instructors, style and school is not on, he is also insulting other posters which will get the thread locked.

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