Yes, that's true. The real benefit of 45s is that it can be put in a combo easily because it doesn't involve a full body commitment, and it is a little bit more versatile in terms of distance& situations. What would be the advantage of a 90 degree kick?
Aren't high kicks better with 90 then 45? even 45 kicks end up being 65 when it's high. Someone did tell me that if a 45 is low enough, it will always be clear from the elbow.
Do you mind clarifying what you mean by the 'miscalcualtion?'
Thank you in advance!
Sure thing.
A miscalculation is more of a misjudgement.
For example, you dont try and punch someone in the solar plexus, if it means punching their bare elbow, whilst they hammer in to your exposed face.
Or trying to do a Back Kick at close range, and falling on your face when you get him in the back of the head.
The 90 Degree kick is alot more powerful, and can go where a 45 cant. You could also make it a 100-120 degree kick, and kick at a downward angle.
You can do a high 45, but you need flexible hips and strong quads.
The 45 can be clear of the elbow at chest height. Its all about angle. For example; In Boxing, if faced with an opponent in a perfect stance, you dont attack their body or head, because you cant. You attack their stance itself. Much in the same way, if im faced with a perfect defencive stance, a 90 degree kick to the hands (It hits the forearms nigh always, but i am for the hands) can throw someone back 1-3 steps, but more importantly, weakens their arms, and their guard.
If im faced with a close distance stance, a 45 degree kick can get from the ground to my targets ribs very quickly, but it isnt likely to break anything.
As for high kicks, it depends on your Target. The main thing is that the shoulders can get in the way. Therefore, the person needs to be in the opposite stance to you, creating an open stance situation. Optionally, use your front leg. That way, the shoulders will not get in the way, and its possible to literally uppercut someones jaw with your Instep.
On the flipside again, Round Kicks of any shape or form are the easiest kicks of all to block, in my opinion. Which is why i say theyre Opportunistic, unless your just trying to pound someones Stance.
Its slightly complicated, but if you find a pillar, support beam, corner of a wall, something like that.
Stand at different angles to it, and just on the spot, perform the movement of both kicks, and see how differently both connect.