Even if you don't mean anything inappropriate, it can be taken the wrong way if you're trying to meet up with teenagers outside of class. (Just see the relationship thread that's going in the general forum right now).
That's very true. I am familiar with this concern since I occasionally teach another sport to people, sometimes teenagers, so I know how to set up boundaries.
Since a new message was posted here I guess it could be the right time to add a follow-up.
I still like taekwondo and I'm slowly improving.
I've had a TFCC ligament issue on my wrist for years now, it doesn't bother me in everyday life, but I'm careful when doing sports. I need to have a more precise diagnosis and know if it can be repaired.
I also recently had a lower back radiography regarding some recurring pain, and it revealed several but not serious issues as well. I don't have pain at all while practicing taekwondo though, but I'll need to see a specialist to see what can be done to either not worsen, or fix the issue.
During my training, I also sprained my big toe twice in three weeks, so I'm extra careful now.
I haven't been practicing at home yet, but I acquired a free standing punching bag, and I should receive mats soon so I'll be able to exercise at home as well.
Despite doing only 2 hours of taekwondo a week, I've seen a tiny bit of improvement regarding my flexibility.
Regarding my other issues, I had trouble working with one of my partners (we don't "match", sort to say) and I had to run away twice in two weeks to avoid a panic attack. My brain sometimes stops working during some exercises when there is some kind of pressure from people or the environment. Very, very difficult to explain, handle and manage.
I also began to take anxiolytics before training. It doesn't seem to help much

I'd also like to be able to connect more with other people, discuss, and fit in groups, but that was always difficult for me from childhood so… I'm not just good at it, and people tend not to go toward me either.
So, there's a lot of little negative stuff coming from my own mental and physical issues, but the sport is alright, I like it, I'm improving, and I'll continue to go.