4 things needed to destroy myth of creator deity

No gaps: if the big bang theory is true, then an entity such as a Creator simly must have preceded it. Likewise any other act or moment of creation.

What you're asking is 'Well, who created the universe? A more appropriate question is, "How was the universe created?"
Definitely not your best effort. I always appreciate the comedians who don't have to go "blue" to try to get a laugh. It always seemed to me that the less talented comedians would use the lewd and vulgar because they didn't have the talent to be funny without it. Take the kings of comedy, Bill Cosby and Jerry Seinfeld, you never really saw them using lewd and vulgar humor but they were always at the top. Bill Cosby in particular was really funny and I think the only swear I ever heard him use was A**hole. I never much liked Seinfeld, but he did make it big without going to the easy lewd and vulgar stuff. You might want to go back to the drawing board.
Someday we will create life, and another Gap will close. Such are people.

Bingo. You got that right. The gaps will continuously close. They've been closing ever since Thales predicted the first solar eclipse and showed everyone that 'we don't have to be afraid of the gods anymore'.
Someday, Physicists may find out that matter/energy is eternal, always was and always will be. Therefore no need for a creator, since it 'always has been'. Yet people will still say 'Well who created it". Not understanding that the question is meaningless.
No. What you're asking is 'Well, who created the universe? A more appropriate question is, "How was the universe created?"
Pretty sure I'm not "asking" a thing. That would be indicated by the lack of question marks in my posts. :lfao:
You're right. There was no question. Just an assertion.
Yes. And, as I've asserted elsewhere, evidence supporting such assertions is purely personal, subjective, rarely duplicable and never disprovable. That is to say, outside the realm of science.
Definitely not your best effort. I always appreciate the comedians who don't have to go "blue" to try to get a laugh. It always seemed to me that the less talented comedians would use the lewd and vulgar because they didn't have the talent to be funny without it. Take the kings of comedy, Bill Cosby and Jerry Seinfeld, you never really saw them using lewd and vulgar humor but they were always at the top. Bill Cosby in particular was really funny and I think the only swear I ever heard him use was A**hole. I never much liked Seinfeld, but he did make it big without going to the easy lewd and vulgar stuff. You might want to go back to the drawing board.
Meh. See also: Richard Pryor, Moms Mabley, Redd Foxx, George Carlin, Sam Kinison, etc., etc., etc.Besides, the object isn't to make you laugh. It"s to make me laugh.See? :lfao:
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I agree that the object isn't to make me laugh, but my point is still valid, it wasn't your best effort. The only comedian who I actually thing made the "blue" thing funny was Eddie Murphy in his Raw, concert. That was funny. Sam Kinisons funniest stuff was probably his material on religion, his material on starving people, his song about his ex-girlfriend, and a few other things. Carlin was good up to the point where he just seemed mean and unhappy. I wasn't much of a Richard Pryor fan, some of his movies with the guy from the mel brooks movies were good. Red Fox, sanford and sun was funny but I never saw his stand up.
I agree that the object isn't to make me laugh, but my point is still valid, it wasn't your best effort. The only comedian who I actually thing made the "blue" thing funny was Eddie Murphy in his Raw, concert. That was funny. Sam Kinisons funniest stuff was probably his material on religion, his material on starving people, his song about his ex-girlfriend, and a few other things. Carlin was good up to the point where he just seemed mean and unhappy. I wasn't much of a Richard Pryor fan, some of his movies with the guy from the mel brooks movies were good. Red Fox, sanford and sun was funny but I never saw his stand up.
Fair enough, but you should look for Redd Foxx. He put the "blue" in blue comedy, before either of us was born, and Eddie Murphy (good catch!) owes a great deal to him-as does Ron White, whether he knows it (he does!) or not.

Edit: Reed Foxx is on YouTube, but nothing from before Sanford and Son.
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I don't imagine Red Foxx's blue comedy would be on Youtube. I'll check just in case.
No gaps: if the big bang theory is true, then an entity such as a Creator simly must have preceded it. Likewise any other act or moment of creation.

Must have preceded it? No that's not true, might have, maybe, but not must have.

You're right. There was no question. Just an assertion.
More like a false assumption.

At least you admit to the facts that your beliefs are disprovable. That is honest.
Must have preceded it? No that's not true, might have, maybe, but not must have.
Read it again. If such a being exists, etc.
IMore like a false assumption.At least you admit to the facts that your beliefs are disprovable. That is honest.
No. Nothing assumed, nothing false, and certainly nothing disprovable. In fact, if you look again, I've said nothing about my beliefs, except that all evidence to support any such beliefs is subjective, personal, and not disprovable or usually duplicable.....U
A 'lack of belief' is simply a default position regarding the claims. I can not believe them, since evidence has never been provided to me. I am not cynical or anything like many on MT like to believe. However, I most definitely will dismiss claims along the lines of 'levitation', due to my understanding of Newtonian Mechanics.

That is why the common people call these miracles because they don't understand it also. Lets just say its something you have to see firsthand. ; )

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Yes that is getting closer in as far as intellectual knowledge goes. God did not create the universe. He is everything known and unknown. So the universe is but a part of him. Didn't Jesus say he was god? He knows there is but god. Does your left hand test the right hand? to test something you must find something other than what you are testing. For example a cup to hold water. In order to test things the things you are using must be different from the things you test. There simply an is-ness. On the physical material level. We see things of all shape,size,colors imaginable if wd go deeper we see every is made of atoms. Going deeper we see that much is really just space. And yet deeper and subtlest is cosmic cousciouness which in otherwords is god. Right now the majority of people believe only humans have cousciousness. "animals have no soul" but now we know not only animals but plants and living things can express emotions. More subtler than space and time is this cousciousness that encompass both the known and unknown. Once you experience this you will know that you are connected to every single thing. Enlightenment, reflected in the smile of the budhha. Faith and Science is more connected than you think. My post on this subject matter is hopefully to spur the truth seekers in here. One extreme is always contain within another extreme. There is a bit of yin in yang and yang in yin. Subjective and objectivity is part of a whole. Dr. Masaru Emoto have proven that our emotions effects water molecules. With positive words water change its shape to nice geometrical shapes and vice versa. The body a grosser form of the mind. Placebo pills works sometimes even better than the actual medication. Etc. Etc. Etc.. This debate can continue ad infinitum if you function from the limited mind. It may even get you further from the truth. In meditation its the mind you learn how to control. Extreme Emotions, passions etc senses, the body the ego.Can be seen from a 3rd person perspective. If that is possible then who you think you are may not be what you really are. Once you know the Self that is unchanging in you, you reach god. Similar to how you see yourself physically. You must look at your reflection but how do you do that when the object that is trying to reflect you is never still? The mind. Try to meditate. See how many verbal thoughts run through your mind. See how many impressional thoughts there are concerning who you think you are.? See how many emotions (thoughts) you run through during the day. All of this must be still. In order to see yourself.

In Christianity. It is said God Son and Holy Spirit is one. In Hinduism. God Guru and one's self is one.. Another commonality in religion that is as true as it gets.

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That is why the common people call these miracles because they don't understand it also. Lets just say its something you have to see firsthand. ; )

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Common folk? Mmm that's calling out talk where I come from, calling someone common is an insult!

People's beliefs are interesting but the person expounding those beliefs should remember that what for them is a fact to someone else isn't. It's all just opinion. I can see peoples points of view, I can understand their beliefs but because I don't share them doesn't mean I'm closed minded, I just have my beliefs which I don't chose to share in any depth other than it involves good food.
Common folk? Mmm that's calling out talk where I come from, calling someone common is an insult!

People's beliefs are interesting but the person expounding those beliefs should remember that what for them is a fact to someone else isn't. It's all just opinion. I can see peoples points of view, I can understand their beliefs but because I don't share them doesn't mean I'm closed minded, I just have my beliefs which I don't chose to share in any depth other than it involves good food.

That's it!! To be common. Because everyone wants to be special. Saints are extraordinary.... Very very ordinary people. Moving from special to ordinary. We move from partiality to being wholee.... Holy. Since this may or may not be true. Might be an fact or just an opinion. Pleaze be open to it. : ). both the atheist and theist pleaze do so. Because the state of openess is when we start to really learn and really know. In any topic.

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That's it!! To be common. Because everyone wants to be special. Saints are extraordinary.... Very very ordinary people. Moving from special to ordinary. We move from partiality to being wholee.... Holy. Since this may or may not be true. Might be an fact or just an opinion. Pleaze be open to it. : ). both the atheist and theist pleaze do so. Because the state of openess is when we start to really learn and really know. In any topic.

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No, that's not it, call someone common here and it's the same as calling them chavs, not good.
No gaps: if the big bang theory is true, then an entity such as a Creator simly must have preceded it. Likewise any other act or moment of creation.

And the creation of the creator? Where does the Matroyshka end? Inside of this universe, we only see that there is no indication of an intercessionary deity. While this is compatible with both the atheistic position, and the deistic, hands-off creator vision, we have, in total honesty, absolutely no idea of what natural laws might exist outside of the universe. Including causation. It is entirely possible that the universe was caused only by its own potential to be. And why not? At some point, something had to be. Why not cut the chain as short as possible?
Yes that is getting closer in as far as intellectual knowledge goes. God did not create the universe. He is everything known and unknown. So the universe is but a part of him. Didn't Jesus say he was god? He knows there is but god. Does your left hand test the right hand? to test something you must find something other than what you are testing. For example a cup to hold water. In order to test things the things you are using must be different from the things you test. There simply an is-ness. On the physical material level. We see things of all shape,size,colors imaginable if wd go deeper we see every is made of atoms. Going deeper we see that much is really just space. And yet deeper and subtlest is cosmic cousciouness which in otherwords is god. Right now the majority of people believe only humans have cousciousness. "animals have no soul" but now we know not only animals but plants and living things can express emotions. More subtler than space and time is this cousciousness that encompass both the known and unknown. Once you experience this you will know that you are connected to every single thing. Enlightenment, reflected in the smile of the budhha. Faith and Science is more connected than you think. My post on this subject matter is hopefully to spur the truth seekers in here. One extreme is always contain within another extreme. There is a bit of yin in yang and yang in yin. Subjective and objectivity is part of a whole. Dr. Masaru Emoto have proven that our emotions effects water molecules. With positive words water change its shape to nice geometrical shapes and vice versa. The body a grosser form of the mind. Placebo pills works sometimes even better than the actual medication. Etc. Etc. Etc.. This debate can continue ad infinitum if you function from the limited mind. It may even get you further from the truth. In meditation its the mind you learn how to control. Extreme Emotions, passions etc senses, the body the ego.Can be seen from a 3rd person perspective. If that is possible then who you think you are may not be what you really are. Once you know the Self that is unchanging in you, you reach god. Similar to how you see yourself physically. You must look at your reflection but how do you do that when the object that is trying to reflect you is never still? The mind. Try to meditate. See how many verbal thoughts run through your mind. See how many impressional thoughts there are concerning who you think you are.? See how many emotions (thoughts) you run through during the day. All of this must be still. In order to see yourself.

In Christianity. It is said God Son and Holy Spirit is one. In Hinduism. God Guru and one's self is one.. Another commonality in religion that is as true as it gets.

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There are so many things that are questionable with this post. But let's tackle one thing shall we? You claim that " Plants express emotion ".

Why do you believe that?

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