Among the ways in which returning soldiers were--and unfortunately are--treated badly by a government and a citizenry that wishes they would Just Go Away so that no money will need to be put where mouth was, there was--and remains--lousy VA treatment, real enforcement of employment laws for returning soldiers, and counseling services.
Too often, we've talked about patriotism and honor, and basically said, "screw it," when it comes to paying the real costs of war, we ain't willin.' We ***** about taxes, we go off about government bureaucracy, whatever--and we launch into these little conflicts without real planning or appreciation of true costs.
For example, we were nationally so frickin' in a rush to get into Iraq, that we never balanced needs against costs--so we sent in too few troops, we didn't spend the money and the time on little things like body armor and Kevlar for Humvee doors, and we sure as hell didn't plan for losing a few more guys every day for a few years.
I'd like to see the so-liberal media reporting seriously, for instance, on how wounded and permanently-crippled soldiers are being treated. I'd like to see coverage of psychiatric casualties. I'd like to see real looks into job prospects...
No, I don't think so either.