Blue Belt
Did the attackers have arm pads on mate , I found in the past that partners if they haven't got arm protection on will do the first attack at full pelt and then each successive strike will be softer and softer because their sick of getting there arm hurt .
So when we really wanted to pressure test the integrity of a deflection we'd get the partner to put two arm pads on one arm and then he could wail away as hard as he could .
It really honed your concentration skills too because you knew if you messed up the deflection you were likely to get your head taken off , but it also did a lot for your confidence knowing that your deflections could withstand that much force without collapsing .
No mate, he didn't. No padding at all. Full pelt from the off. As you say, it concentrates the mind, and I did get caught towards the end, but like a flipping trooper I kept going.

He came in 100% force at first, but we both found it more painful being the attacker. It's amazing how much force you can stop with a tan. I thought it was baloney, but having had a big, big bloke attack at full force, using random arms, I'm fairly happy it works.
The end result is that I've had a full body work out, have re-aquainted myself with being in a CQB full on fists environment, and minus a few bruises/sore bits, am still here today. Keep ramping that training up, and we're there.