Lawd, Lawd, when will the black man stop oppressing us poor crackas?!?
Just for the sake of discussion, why can you say the "C word" but we can't use the "N word"?
And why are African Americans ALLOWED to use the "N word"? If it is so bad that it shouldn't be spoken by whites, why should it be spoken by ANYONE?
And why can black comics make jokes about how dorky, awkward and uptight we white folk are, but white comics can't make jokes about black people? And why can black comics make jokes about black folks when white folks can't?
Why if someone (other than a black person, of course) is caught using the "N word" they have to make a public apology and meet with Jesse Jackson to discuss racial sensitivity, but Jackson can call Jews "hymies"?
And why are there more African Americans in the NBA? Shouldn't they hire only 12.4 percent blacks, 76 percent whites, 4.4 percent Asian, .8 percent American Indian, 14.8 percent Latino/Hispanic, etc.?
I'm sorry to hear that a well-dressed African American can't walk through a department store without getting followed (not sarcastic, I really think that sucks).
But what sucks MORE is why can't I, a 2nd degree black belt in TKD and 1st degree black belt in HKD, feel safe walking through a black neighborhood four blocks away from my apartment? I see black people walking there at all hours of the night.
Why should black crack dealers target white people for strong-arm robberies when they are buying crack but do business as usual with black customers?
Why is it "a black thing"? Why do black people berate other black people for "talking white"? Isn't it just talking AMERICAN?? Because as far as I know there IS no "white" way of talking. English is spoken differently in the U.S., Britain and Australia. Germans are (mostly) white but speak a completely different language. Etc.
Why is there a "black national anthem"? I don't know of an Asian national anthem, or a white national anthem. What in the hell is wrong with "one nation, under God"?
My point is, NO, things are NOT perfect. There are still bad people of ALL races that hate or do things strictly based on race — but it isn't limited to white people. Most of the racism I see is blacks hating whites for no other reason than we are white.
Rosa Parks made a POSITIVE change in this country NOT by screaming "Racism! Racism!!" but by, in a dignified manner, behaving as if she were NO DIFFERENT than any OTHER person!
Crying racism isn't helping ANYBODY other than people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who make a LIVING (and a wealthy one, at that) doing it.
Last week while visiting my grandparents, I saw Rogelio for the first time in something like 20 years. He has worked at my grandparent's RV park for nearly 30 years. He is hispanic. It was great to see him again. He works there because Orangeland treats him well. They are pleased to have him on the payroll because he is a hard worker. Race was never an issue.
My little brother was adopted as an infant because we fell in love with him. He IS my brother; no different than my "natural" brother. He is of mixed racial makeup, mostly hispanic — some black. Race was never an issue.
My SON is over 50 percent Dakota Indian. Technically is a stepson. His mother and I divorced. I couldn't care less if I ever see HER again, but HE will ALWAYS be my son. I love him as much as I do my two "natural" born sons. Race has never been an issue.
But I am SICK of getting "hard looks" from the, yes, WELFARE queens and THUGS in this town. Race isn't an issue: their racism IS.