15 Things You Should Know About "The Race"

Well, I can understand the calls to let things lie where they are, but someone requested my input.

“Input on what?” I thought. This thread has been all over the map while I was away.

So, in no particular order, I’ll address a few things.

For those of you who wonder “How come black comedians can make fun of white people, and white comedians can’t do the same about black people?” I say that you should watch Showtime’s White Boyz in the Hood.” What you’ll see is white comedians making fun of black people to an audience full of…..black people…..laughing their asses off….

For those of you who question the lack of a “White People’s College Fund,” I’ll point out that there are scholarships for Irish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Polish, Sebian, Croatian, Mexican, Swedish, German and” Native” Americans.

I’m not even going to touch BET-it sucks; who cares?:lol:

As far as “Affirmative Action,” I have to agree that it’s neither, and that it’s time has surely passed. I also have to point out that it’s not just for blacks-never was.It was for women, the handicapped, Asians, Native Americans, Hispanics and other minorities. Best thing you can do to fight it is not self-identify correctly. If you’re white, enter “Black-not of Hispanic origin,” and tell them your great-great-great grandfather was a freed slave-let ‘em try and prove otherwise. Remember, though, that there are preferences for everything-if you put in for a government job in this country, and it requires testing, a vet gets 10 points added to his test score for being a vet. Guess what that means if you score highest on the test out of the entire pool with an 82, and a vet gets a 78? If you put in for a job with a private corporation like Public Service of New Mexico, at their Four Corners Power Plant, they’re going to tell you up front that they have a contracted preference for hiring Dine people (Navahos). Deal with it.

As for “La Raza,” I’ll only say that in the part of the country that they call “Atzlan,” they’ll soon be the majority, and maybe they’ll vote for secession. It’s crazy, but no crazier than a bunch of mostly white Libertarians trying to do the same thing with New Hampshire…..
It's interesting to me how when a particular location is say....70% black the establishment uses that to say one's work-place or local college should also be 70% black in order to adequately represent the community but in the same breath will complain about the fact that 70% of the inmates at the local prison just happen to be black as well.

Basically...I'm just sick of the double-standards, and the non-stop perpetuation of division among AMERICANS. It's not productive.

Unless you're Native American, chances are you or your ancestors are not from here originally.

There are people of Irish, English, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Brazillian, and pretty much every other ethnic descent on the planet living here. Once you become a citizen, you're a bleeping American.

Yes, it's perfectly fine to take pride in your heritage but you should either be an American first and foremost or go live in the country your ancestors came from.

Americans should not be the enemy of Americans. Blacks aren't the only ones to be treated badly in our history. The Chinese and Irish were treated like crap at one time as well. Get over it. There's bigger fish to fry and we can't focus on those fish if we're all bickering like kindergarteners.

Poverty, education, illness....they don't discriminate. Gas prices don't discriminate! There are no race or religious requirements to get food stamps....or to be on death row. If education is indeed the foremost issue concerning folks on death row then why isn't the focus on that instead of race?

I wish people, yes PEOPLE...not any particular ethnicity or religeon, would get as passionate about change in our country (Education, Healthcare, the Economy, etc) as they are about these issues....

Can't we all just get along? :soapbox:
The reason education is not addressed in the prison system is because "Americans" don't think they deserve it and will not vote to fund it; so, no, we can't all get along. The uplift has to come from within the black community, and or the poor white community.
if the two groups comitted crimes at the same rate, this would be true
And just so you know... While blacks commit more crimes per capita, there are millions more whites than blacks, and within those millions of whites there are plenty of criminals to out number the black criminals in sheer numbers. Now what is it that everybody knows?
Rarely is the argument that African Americans are WRONGLY imprisoned, only that the proportion is wrong. Perhaps we should have a "criminal affirmative action" program where we make sure the balance is even. :uhyeah:

Look..at least for violent crimes, a victim comes forward (or is found dead) and a description of the offender given. Suspects are then either identified by the victim and/or physical evidence proves guilt. As I stated upthread, numerous studies have shown that offender descriptions and those arrested match. If you are saying that the cops dont go out looking for criminals described as white. PROVE IT!

And since the consensus of most cop bashers is that they never catch criminals in the act, only clean up after the mess, I dont see where they can be falsely locking up so many people.
No one is saying that blacks are falsly imprisoned. I would like you to google yourself a picture of how many whites there are comapared to blacks in the US and that should give you proof right there.