1 inch punch baby yeah!

There are many misconceptions about the one inch punch
The first is to fixate upon the ‘one inch’ bit. A punch should be able to be performed at any range. One inch, three inches etc

No argument here.

But in 1 inch punch demos, if you pull your hand back first, it doesn't count.

I can start from 1 inch away, pull my hand back to my shoulder and then deliver a hard punch. But that's not a 1 inch punch :D
No argument. In Kamon we do have a bit of retraction sometimes when dealing a hit, but this is not a wing chun concept at such.

The idea is to incorperate the hits as part of the turning motion, meaning that you sometimes need to pull the hand back

It kind of goes against the principles of wing chun, but increases the power of the hit tenfold