1 hour classes vs. more than that

If you called me a fag that would be insulting, even if calling me a cigarette. However if you asked me for a fag and I realize that you are from England then I would not be offended at all and simply respond with an, I don't smoke.

It is all in the content or context. If you know I am not trying to insult but simply using a different word because of culture then no need to take the word as offensive.

I understand what you are saying when you refer to your club, we may use the term team in place of club. Our jackets and uniforms actually say Team TAEMA on them. However I am speaking of the facility in which your clubs trains when I say gym or even studio. I am not referring to your club. Even if I trained in my garage I would call it a gym for the purpose of what I am using it for.

I wasn't taking what you said as offensive I was trying to explain that we are a martial arts club because so many, not necessarily you but others who may read this thread, think that MMA isn't real martial arts and wouldn't train in a dojo which we do. It may be semantics to you but I want to put things in a proper context and be precise about what we do and where we do it as I want people to have the correct information to counter the lunatic fanboys and the hype from the television. I always bear in mind that I may be answering you but a lot of people will read these posts and I want to leave them in no doubt of the veracity of our martial arts. I don't want them having ideas of us being in a seedy back street gym training to beat the bejasus out of each other in a cage, thats why I insist on sayng we are a club training in a dojo.
I wasn't taking what you said as offensive I was trying to explain that we are a martial arts club because so many, not necessarily you but others who may read this thread, think that MMA isn't real martial arts and wouldn't train in a dojo which we do. It may be semantics to you but I want to put things in a proper context and be precise about what we do and where we do it as I want people to have the correct information to counter the lunatic fanboys and the hype from the television. I always bear in mind that I may be answering you but a lot of people will read these posts and I want to leave them in no doubt of the veracity of our martial arts. I don't want them having ideas of us being in a seedy back street gym training to beat the bejasus out of each other in a cage, thats why I insist on sayng we are a club training in a dojo.
Got it. Thanks.
Got it. Thanks.

Thank you for understanding! If you train MMA I think perhaps you also learn to get defensive about what you do, if you go across to the thread about whether MMA has harmed martial arts or not there's some real hate for what we do and who we are, for some we seem to almost the devil incarnate! This is based on a little knowledge which as we know is a dangerous thing lol! I find I want to dot the i's and cross the t's to make sure that what we do is understood correctly, this may be tiresome I'm afraid for those who do understand but necessary for those who don't.

I'm a middle aged middle class lady who's done martial arts for nearly twenty years now, for the last ten years thats included MMA, learning, teaching and reffing (sadly too old to fight), we've had to spend time writing to newspapers, complaining to TV companies etc that what we do isn't what they are portraying, we've fought local councils to stop us being banned because they think we are a bunch of young male hooligans out for blood and cause riots! We have threads on here asking whether MMA is any good for SD, whether it's a real martial art, whether anyone should do it if they are a serious martial artists etc etc ad nauseum.

The majority of MMA people here have also or are still doing a TMA, many come from TKD. Training is disciplined and focused, techniques are drilled and honed the same as any reputable TMA class.
I understand your concerns but think that time will continue to build the acceptance of MMA. As you say, most practitioners also have TMA connections. There has always been mixing of arts. It's great to see that developing organization and competition structures. MMA evolution is also great for RBSD.

The original post, however, was about Taekwondo, not MMA. Workouts vary with content, and this topic seemed to originate around what's the right timing for regular weeknight classes at the local dojang where Taekwondo only is the content.

I just don't see how this is an affront to what you do.

I understand your concerns but think that time will continue to build the acceptance of MMA. As you say, most practitioners also have TMA connections. There has always been mixing of arts. It's great to see that developing organization and competition structures. MMA evolution is also great for RBSD.

The original post, however, was about Taekwondo, not MMA. Workouts vary with content, and this topic seemed to originate around what's the right timing for regular weeknight classes at the local dojang where Taekwondo only is the content.

I just don't see how this is an affront to what you do.


Did I say it was an affront, no I didn't and in my first post I did say I'd trained TKD and those classes had lasted for two hours. The TMA I train now is TSD and those classes also last 2 hours.
I still prefer 1.5 -2.0 hours of training, I just prefer to have it longer and can get more info. about techs. without being in a hurry. Different strokes for different folks my pappy always said.
Some days I wish our class schedule would allow for a bit of overage.
But negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full....