Zenjael's intervention

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Purple Belt
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Fairfax Virginia
A few weeks ago, at the same 7-11 where I stared down an attempted robbery, a fight broke out between two ghetto crowds over someone in the group having had sex with the other and both sides were trying to keep a fistfight from breaking out... badly. The store couldn't get the police to come, until I recommended they lie that the customers in the store were too scared to come out (it was a lie).... but despite trying for an hour to summon the police, none would come. I told them just to report the lie I told, and they did, and within 15 seconds a car showed up. The altercators left.

We don't have to stop a conflict with the art we learned. A true martial artist I believe can defuse a situation of violence without having to even raise their fists.
A few weeks ago, at the same 7-11 where I stared down an attempted robbery, a fight broke out between two ghetto crowds over someone in the group having had sex with the other and both sides were trying to keep a fistfight from breaking out... badly. The store couldn't get the police to come, until I recommended they lie that the customers in the store were too scared to come out (it was a lie).... but despite trying for an hour to summon the police, none would come. I told them just to report the lie I told, and they did, and within 15 seconds a car showed up. The altercators left.

We don't have to stop a conflict with the art we learned. A true martial artist I believe can defuse a situation of violence without having to even raise their fists.

Methinks I'll have some of whatever you are on.
A few weeks ago, at the same 7-11 where I stared down an attempted robbery...



You just made my night. Were you wearing your cape, Superman?
I've never quite been able to decide who had the looser grasp on reality: Alex or Billy.

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A few weeks ago, at the same 7-11 where I stared down an attempted robbery, a fight broke out between two ghetto crowds over someone in the group having had sex with the other and both sides were trying to keep a fistfight from breaking out... badly. The store couldn't get the police to come, until I recommended they lie that the customers in the store were too scared to come out (it was a lie).... but despite trying for an hour to summon the police, none would come. I told them just to report the lie I told, and they did, and within 15 seconds a car showed up. The altercators left.

We don't have to stop a conflict with the art we learned. A true martial artist I believe can defuse a situation of violence without having to even raise their fists.

*Milk* *nose* *cough* *guffaw*

Okay, okay, okay!

I have to say having de-escalation skills is a good plan. But dood, really. You *stared down* an attempted robbery? I seem to recall the words you've used to describe yourself don't exactly lend themselves to describing an intimidating individual.

Please share with us how you did this? Thanks.
*Milk* *nose* *cough* *guffaw*

Okay, okay, okay!

I have to say having de-escalation skills is a good plan. But dood, really. You *stared down* an attempted robbery? I seem to recall the words you've used to describe yourself don't exactly lend themselves to describing an intimidating individual.

Please share with us how you did this? Thanks.

Never mind words, Good Sir. Watch His Video :)
Sorry, no lie there. Only reason I stared at them was frankly because I was drunk. This happened Nov 1, 2011. And... I do have people who are witnesses to it, who have provided statements to the police.

People who resort to violence as a quick fix to their problems, such as theft or larceny and the like, are mostly cowards. Those three were. Besides the point, the 7-11 is across the street from our local station, so the entire situation has to be said was stupid all around.

I'm not saying I'm brave or anything, I was intoxicated, was considering my options while not taking my eyes off them (wasn't wearing my glasses) and they left after commenting that I looked like I was about to do something. Truthfully I was considering how to get to my g/f at the time who was across the store, also in their line of fire. From the entrance next to the register, I was in a direct line from the 3. If they did have a gun (from the distance I was at it looked like it, but it could well have been a cell-phone also. I've heard people try robbing store with bannanas guised as guns, this was the same as it was a black object about the size of his hand held above his head as he told everyone to get down). My problem was I was standing out in the open when they entered, with the closest shelving unit and cover maybe 10 feet away, a serious problem if they did have a gun.

Only thing I did was look at them, as I contemplated my own options to not get killed, and then they left as I just would not take my eyes off them. And I admit, I was pissed someone was trying that kind of thing in my hometown, so I must've had a nasty mug. If there's a way to get the security footage, I'd love advice as to how to approach it, because I've been trying to get it reported and taken seriously by the police in the area because a lot of crap like this has been occurring in the area lately. Anyone on this board I would hope would do the same if people burst in trying to attempt a robbery anywhere, as martial artists. We don't have a roll to stop it, we do to protect ourselves, and those we love if they are also there and at serious risk.

I do enjoy that I received a demerit for my posting. I hope people understand that reprimanding someone for speaking about their life experience of actually having done something, even if inadvertently, probably sends out the wrong message. That's at least what I'm getting out of it. We should do something... this is what we are trained for. To protect ourselves. To have the will and spirit when someone pulls a gun, not to flinch and drop, but to remain calm, move and get away.

I've never asked for a thank you from the store. Nor did I when a person was struck by a car in a parking lot, and I summoned paramedics and stayed with the person until professional help arrived (luckily this was a nursing campus, so even before ambulances came, nursing students had already arrived and began attending to the girl) We should do what we can to help, when we can. That's our duty as citizens to our country, and fellow countrymen.

I haven't drank alcohol since the 7-11 incident, as I never want to be in another situation like that where someone might pull a gun, and I want to be in the state of mind appropriate to handle that kind of situation, if it ever occurs again.

If you guys really don't believe me, I advise looking into the matter. It's the 7-11 off old keene mill road, across the street from the West Springfield shopping center. It occurred on November 1st, at 11:50 PM-12:05 AM the next day. I'd actually prefer this, so I can get the video of the tape so I can get it actually taken seriously by the police, as I've reported it multiple times, and every morning I go there at 2 pm there are ghetto tards trying to brawl out front. It makes my town look bad, which is a very nice place to live. At least it used to be. You would be doing me, and where I live, a great service.
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Oh for pete's sake. Life is not a movie and most of us have lived long enough to know the difference. Also, over-explanations are a sign of deceipt. Stop doing it.

A person at my door needing help gets it. In the situation described, a call to 911 would have been my first reaction. I doubt I would have gone into the house to try and help the male. Me fighting two guys, being involved in a fight when the police arrived, or getting myself hurt or killed would not help the male victim. I am mature enough not to fall victim to the fantasy of the martial hero. Every situation must be judged seperately. help when you can, but have the good judgement to not become a victim yourself or impede the help of the victims.
Honestly, Alex, you were lucky you didn't get shot.

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Honestly, Alex, you were lucky you didn't get shot.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2
Never mind words, Good Sir. Watch His Video :)

*Looks down shirt, checks groin* Yeah, I'm still a female, thanks. (hint - first three letters of my username) OH YEAH - and, LINK PLEASE!!

Honestly, Alex, you were lucky you didn't get shot.

Indeed. I really don't think a diminutive drunk stopped anything at all, though he seems to have an amazing memory for events while intoxicated. :barf:
*Looks down shirt, checks groin* Yeah, I'm still a female, thanks. (hint - first three letters of my username) OH YEAH - and, LINK PLEASE!!

Indeed. I really don't think a diminutive drunk stopped anything at all, though he seems to have an amazing memory for events while intoxicated. :barf:

Perhaps it was one of those 'make them laugh so much they don't hit me' moments? A small drunk person, eyes crossed, shouting 'kiai' and doing amazing fancy kicks could just be that funny the robbers decided to leave?

Alex, a neg rep doesn't mean it's a demerit, it means the person thinks you are talking BS. Me? I prefer to just say it here, :bs:
Honestly, Alex, you were lucky you didn't get shot.

Sent from my ADR6350 using Tapatalk 2

Agreed. But then again so was my then g/f at the time. I was also lucky the store was across the street from our police station in fairfax. Not the smartest people to begin with.

Oh for pete's sake. Life is not a movie and most of us have lived long enough to know the difference. Also, over-explanations are a sign of deceipt. Stop doing it.

I concur, life is a lot more dangerous. However, earlier in this thread sheshulsa asked me for more information, so I gave it. I apologize if that has bothered you, or made you think I've fabricated the whole thing... but wouldn't you remember it in detail if that occurred to you?


Apologies for misunderstanding reputation, I thought is something of a metaphor for a warning system. You get X amount, you get banned. Thank you for correcting that misunderstanding for me.
Agreed. But then again so was my then g/f at the time. I was also lucky the store was across the street from our police station in fairfax. Not the smartest people to begin with.

I concur, life is a lot more dangerous. However, earlier in this thread sheshulsa asked me for more information, so I gave it. I apologize if that has bothered you, or made you think I've fabricated the whole thing... but wouldn't you remember it in detail if that occurred to you?


Apologies for misunderstanding reputation, I thought is something of a metaphor for a warning system. You get X amount, you get banned. Thank you for correcting that misunderstanding for me.

I always find people who think they are smarter than the police 'interesting'. Police offciers who have had years of experience in taking witness and other statements will tell you that people don't remember details in the way that you seem to, however someone who is telling less than the truth will reel off times, date and a lot of intricate details about what they saw and heard which we know simply can't be right. It's not how a brain works in an incident especially if one if drunk.
*Looks down shirt, checks groin* Yeah, I'm still a female, thanks. (hint - first three letters of my username) OH YEAH - and, LINK PLEASE!!

Indeed. I really don't think a diminutive drunk stopped anything at all, though he seems to have an amazing memory for events while intoxicated. :barf:

Id only just woken up. Im sorry! :)

And yeah. I dont much question remembering the events, but remembering the thoughts...?

We should do what we can to help, when we can. That's our duty as citizens to our country, and fellow countrymen.

I believe that. But never forget as other have mentioned, our obligation to continue living and supporting our loved ones by doing so. Always be careful that you don't let fantisized life incorrectly influence real life. Real life has no rewind.

I haven't drank alcohol since the 7-11 incident, as I never want to be in another situation like that where someone might pull a gun, and I want to be in the state of mind appropriate to handle that kind of situation, if it ever occurs again.

Smartest thing you have said. Don't forget it. Keeping drinking under control is the hardest thing most people can do. Alcohol has the incideous ability to suppress inhibitions, including those against being drunk (Oh, I just have a slight buzz, one more is OK).

If you guys really don't believe me, I advise looking into the matter. It's the 7-11 off old keene mill road, across the street from the West Springfield shopping center. It occurred on November 1st, at 11:50 PM-12:05 AM the next day. I'd actually prefer this, so I can get the video of the tape so I can get it actually taken seriously by the police, as I've reported it multiple times, and every morning I go there at 2 pm there are ghetto tards trying to brawl out front. It makes my town look bad, which is a very nice place to live. At least it used to be. You would be doing me, and where I live, a great service.

Don't dwell on it. Learn from it. Not only what you can learn about what choices we make in life as to whether or not to intervene in something, but also in how people react to what you have to say. You may be making more of it than they want to hear, or you may not be expressing it correctly. Remember, they weren't there, and it didn't make the news, so they won't be as impressed as you.

I always find people who think they are smarter than the police 'interesting'. Police offciers who have had years of experience in taking witness and other statements will tell you that people don't remember details in the way that you seem to, however someone who is telling less than the truth will reel off times, date and a lot of intricate details about what they saw and heard which we know simply can't be right. It's not how a brain works in an incident especially if one if drunk.

First, I don't think he meant the police aren't the smartest, I think he meant those causing the disturbance, since they were doing it across the street from the station house. If I am wrong, I hope he will correct me and I will address that.

I also don't agree that giving a lot of details is a way to always determine a person is lying.

And yeah. I dont much question remembering the events, but remembering the thoughts...?

If it was significant enough in his life, he may well remember both the circumstances and the thoughts. His rememberance of events and thoughts may be tempered by his thoughts of himself, and may not be the same as anyone else's partly because of that. But that would have to do with his own feeling of self worth if true, not an intention to lie.

FYIW I take zenjael to be a young person (no idea how young) who wants to do right, and be seen as doing right. Nothing wrong with that as long as it is tempered with common sense, which is something we all have to work on as we grow in experience.
A few weeks ago, at the same 7-11 where I stared down an attempted robbery, a fight broke out between two ghetto crowds over someone in the group having had sex with the other and both sides were trying to keep a fistfight from breaking out... badly. The store couldn't get the police to come, until I recommended they lie that the customers in the store were too scared to come out (it was a lie).... but despite trying for an hour to summon the police, none would come. I told them just to report the lie I told, and they did, and within 15 seconds a car showed up. The altercators left.

We don't have to stop a conflict with the art we learned. A true martial artist I believe can defuse a situation of violence without having to even raise their fists.


I find it very hard to believe that the cops wouldnt respond to an active disturbance with large groups of people. Furthermore, lying about a situation...well, there was a thread about that not long ago. Dumb *** left a computer in his car, it got stolen, and he called the cops and LIED stating the guy robbed him at gunpoint.

An hour...no, sorry, I dont buy it.
We have heard from Zenj about multiple scenarios where he is involved in some unlikely events. The amount of detail he offers, while admittedly intoxicated, and under the effects of adrenaline, do not lead credence to his stories. We're letting him know that we see through the sharade.

Zenj, I think you have a great imagination. Your writing style is a little rough, but school can correct that. Use your imagination to entertain. However, stop using it to try and make yourself something you aren't. Instead of what you are trying to apear to be, you look the clown. Your continued insistance to act the clown keeps people from wanting to interact with you, except on a confrontational level. A rich fantasy life can be a great thing, but it is important to understand the difference between that fantasy and the truth of reality.
I always find people who think they are smarter than the police 'interesting'. Police offciers who have had years of experience in taking witness and other statements will tell you that people don't remember details in the way that you seem to, however someone who is telling less than the truth will reel off times, date and a lot of intricate details about what they saw and heard which we know simply can't be right. It's not how a brain works in an incident especially if one if drunk.

I don't question police officer's intellect. I question their role in society at times, but that seems a bit of a generalization. A lot of cops in my area are a bit crooked, but a lot are also very good people. In addition, I have never met a stupid cop. There are stupid laws, and good laws, either way they're laws. I feel the same about cops, and they deserve due respect, regardless of my personal inclinations toward how they act or behave. I mainly wish they would respond more often however, than they tend to do.

The people who I think are stupid, are those who tried to rob a 7-11, or even if a joke, the fact they actually had people on the floor, turned it from a joke, into reality... regardless of intentions.

I believe that. But never forget as other have mentioned, our obligation to continue living and supporting our loved ones by doing so. Always be careful that you don't let fantasized life incorrectly influence real life. Real life has no rewind.

Absolutely. Largely this was one of those situations where one hasn't gone looking for confrontation. If I did anything right, it was accidentally having a decent poker face during the ordeal. I was mostly confused, annoyed, and wanting to make sure Kaila (the girlfriend at time) was alright.

Don't dwell on it. Learn from it. Not only what you can learn about what choices we make in life as to whether or not to intervene in something, but also in how people react to what you have to say. You may be making more of it than they want to hear, or you may not be expressing it correctly. Remember, they weren't there, and it didn't make the news, so they won't be as impressed as you.

And that's where I think there's a misunderstanding right now- the perception that I want to come off as a bad motha, or am showing off. I really didn't do anything, but I think it a good example from my own life experiences about why we should actively use what we learn to defend ourselves and others, when the situation occurs.

I suppose the reason I would like it to be taken seriously, at least where I live by our police force, is because of the fact that exact location is a literal hotbed of violent activity. I've seen 3 brawls, and an attempted robbery now, and the location just opened 6 months ago.

First, I don't think he meant the police aren't the smartest, I think he meant those causing the disturbance, since they were doing it across the street from the station house. If I am wrong, I hope he will correct me and I will address that.

You have that nailed to a T, thank you.
I also don't agree that giving a lot of details is a way to always determine a person is lying.

I concur. Under this same logic, we should consider everyone to be lying based off anything they remember or report in detail.

If it was significant enough in his life, he may well remember both the circumstances and the thoughts. His rememberance of events and thoughts may be tempered by his thoughts of himself, and may not be the same as anyone else's partly because of that. But that would have to do with his own feeling of self worth if true, not an intention to lie.

I wish I could meet you in person after reading that. Your words are very insightful, at least to me.

FYIW I take zenjael to be a young person (no idea how young) who wants to do right, and be seen as doing right. Nothing wrong with that as long as it is tempered with common sense, which is something we all have to work on as we grow in experience.[/QUOTE]

22 ^_^, and yes, I have much room to grow.

We have heard from Zenj about multiple scenarios where he is involved in some unlikely events. The amount of detail he offers, while admittedly intoxicated, and under the effects of adrenaline, do not lead credence to his stories. We're letting him know that we see through the sharade.

Zenj, I think you have a great imagination. Your writing style is a little rough, but school can correct that. Use your imagination to entertain. However, stop using it to try and make yourself something you aren't. Instead of what you are trying to apear to be, you look the clown. Your continued insistance to act the clown keeps people from wanting to interact with you, except on a confrontational level. A rich fantasy life can be a great thing, but it is important to understand the difference between that fantasy and the truth of reality.

WC, this is a very large assumption. What you see, publicly, is what you choose to. Have you gone into my inbox and seen who I correspond with on the boards? There are a number of people I get along very agreeably. That being said, whether you believe it true or not does nothing to take away from the experience, and if anything, you are actually flattering me to a degree. I've never thought my life like one out of a movie, nor do I think my own particularly interesting. But when I give the dead facts about something like this, and people respond in kind as you, and others are, it doesn't erase what happened, it just makes me smile and romanticize that my life might be a little like what you guys say it isn't.

Not because it is mind you- but when you give a story and people believe it because it's outrageous to them, well, that just gives the story all the more worth in my opine, especially when its true as this is.

And... I have nothing really to gain arguing about it. It's just a story to share, I hope some enjoyed, and took something from.

I'm not saying I'm a hero. Everyone on this board, if they've defended themself or others, is one. And I didn't do that in this case.
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