drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
true, if you are selling it. Then 'trade secrets' particularly genuine ones could give you an upperhand, i can see that.
not all teachers are out to make money though and some couldnt give a rats *** what the market is like.
personally im of the opinion that, although of course teachers have a responsibilty to their students in that they shouldnt mislead them, the responsibility of the student has been a little downplayed in modern times. as a seeker of knowledge and skill isnt it just as much the students role to train hard, with dedication and loyalty and be (as cringily mystical as it sounds) 'worthy' of what they have been taught? the whole reason i learn from my teacher/teachers is i wana be a baddass like them. if i could be half as awesome ill take what i can get! instead of feeling some kind of entitlement that i and everyone deserve to know every detail about everything.
A really wise man once told me that if you really value what you have learned you wouldnt share it easily. not only cause you worked damn hard for it but the moral implications of not contributing to the wider communities library of knowledge are dwarfed by blindely giving away to anyone, of any character the knowledge to potentially misuse and cause harm in society?
Not with martial arts. Because the better the people are around you the better you get. And you do this by sharing your secret knowledge letting someone take that and improve it or defend it. Then they share it, you improve it and so on.
And the more you unpack your techniques and use them the better you get at them.
The secret squirrel nonsense is why some systems have struggled to compete over the last, especially 20 years. Which has produced youtube an a much more collaborative martial community.
I mean if you are still garbage in say 6 months. Take a serious look at the system you are using. If everyone else is garbage then jump ship. There are plenty of exceptional martial artists running around these days.
The idea of hanging around for some secret techniques is probably a lie these days.
Like this example in the OP. You could pay a legitimate amateur boxer or kickboxer. So a guy with some real legitimate skills a six pack and he would take you through how to make a pivot step work. Or even a Thai sweep if that was what that move was trying for.
I mean a semi successful amateur fighter is still working a 9 to 5 and could use the extra coin.
I was taught that sweep by Damien Brown on an $80 for a 3 day seminar.
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