Yeah, I have the same sig line as Opal Dragon. I asked her if I could also use it. When I read it, I thought how cool it was for this forum. I know I need to listen more, think more before speaking, and be slow to become angry. In other words don't let other's words or actions bother or offend me. I figured this verse could not be said enough as a reminder.
The second verse, I originally read in a Tom Clancy book but it made me think. I posted it on the bulletin board at my TKD school for everyone to see, when I was a blue belt. Theodore Roosevelt, I think was referring to war but when I read it, I saw tournaments as war. I used to feel that competing in a tournament was like getting beat up emotionally. I always did form, breaking and sometimes sparring. I expected too much of myself, trained too hard, got too nervous.
I had enough successes, though, along the way to keep me going. And in the end after a couple of dozen tournaments, I am a better person for putting myself out there. The verse was a reminder to myself and others to dare to do what they THINK may be too difficult, potentially embarrassing or whatever mountain a tournament is to them. And from the endeavor overcome weakness, FIND that "true grit" within themselves, what they are made of, grow and become stronger.