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Notes and Observations from Mr. White's Seminar on Form 7
By Christopher Stewart - 07-21-2013 01:35 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
Hello All,
I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar today at Mr. White's Karate Studio in Huntington Beach, Ca on Form 7.
My instructor (Clark Cole) and I got there a few minutes early and realized that we where the only Kenpoists from "outside"
of Mr. White's studio in attendance. But Mr. Cole and I have come to feel as though Mr. White's studio has been so inviting,
friendly, and a fun place to train at that it has become a "second home" for us! I did not participate in the actual seminar as
it will be a while before Form 7 comes up in my training but, I was able to sit on the sidelines and take copious notes (now I
realize going through my notes I missed a few things...)
Anyways...below are my notes as Mr. White presented the material technique by technique.
DISCLAIMER: the "quotations" and (Parenthesis) are my own and are either personal notes,
ideas, or quotes (usually synopsis). I know I have mistakes in the names/attacks within the form
so please correct me, so I can fix the error, please!
Mr. Bob White
------------------------------------ Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
By Christopher Stewart - 07-21-2013 01:35 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
Hello All,
I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar today at Mr. White's Karate Studio in Huntington Beach, Ca on Form 7.
My instructor (Clark Cole) and I got there a few minutes early and realized that we where the only Kenpoists from "outside"
of Mr. White's studio in attendance. But Mr. Cole and I have come to feel as though Mr. White's studio has been so inviting,
friendly, and a fun place to train at that it has become a "second home" for us! I did not participate in the actual seminar as
it will be a while before Form 7 comes up in my training but, I was able to sit on the sidelines and take copious notes (now I
realize going through my notes I missed a few things...)
Anyways...below are my notes as Mr. White presented the material technique by technique.
DISCLAIMER: the "quotations" and (Parenthesis) are my own and are either personal notes,
ideas, or quotes (usually synopsis). I know I have mistakes in the names/attacks within the form
so please correct me, so I can fix the error, please!
Mr. Bob White
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