"Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch."
I ran across this one a while back when I'd done a lot of work analyzing my art, it's techniques/principles and training theory... yet I began to realize that I was thinking more martial arts than I was doing. My "Enthusiasm" in martial arts lies in the 'doing' of them. I sure do love to THINK martial arts, but it'll never overcome DOING them.
"Traditionalists often study what is taught, not what there is to create." - Ed Parker, Grandmaster
OK...this one's easy. There's been a big, ongoing debate w/in the different branches of American Kenpo (the art I study and teach) over "Do we keep it the same? Or do we continue the process of evolutionary change that the grandmaster set up??" ((Mind you, this is my biased view of the issue... others of course would give you a different one)) Those who say "Keep it the same, we'll never change it." are the traditionalists. I understand where they come from... but I don't feel it's in keeping with the designs and desires of the man who created the system.. Ed Parker. Actually I have nothing against people who's approach to their art is "traditional". But you also have to keep in mind Bruce Lee's statement on what is "Traditional"...."Traditional is relative. It's all a matter of 'how far back do you want to go'." It's true. Many of the traditions, even in what we would consider a very traditional art, could be viewed as divergent in the eyes of the systems founder(s).
"Do not get into a fight if you can possibly avoid it, but never hit soft. Don't ever hit a man unless you must, but if you hit him, put him to sleep." Theodore Rosevelt
First off, I really respect the man quoted. Had some 'gumption'. ((Also: a lot of people don't know this, but he was a Black Belt in Judo...thought that that was interesting)) This is the advice I give to those few who've come to me for instruction, and the advice I will give to my own son when the time's right. Stay away from fighting and those who fight... but if you must fight, RULE the moment!
Anyway...those are my quotes as they are and why I have them there.
I change them from time to time.
Keeps people guessin....
Your Brother