MA and a knee brace - Anyone else do MA with a Knee Issue?


Green Belt
I wear a CTi de-rotational knee brace when I do anything active (like playing tennis). Since I know MA has the throwing and kicking side, I was wondering if there is going to be any problems with me wearing my knee brace under my uniform?

I had a motorcycle accident while in the Army when I was 19 and tore 3 out of my 4 ligaments in the knee. They have since been repaired (3 times) and the brace is protective since the knee is still a little bit loose.

Anyone else out there doing MA with a knee brace or knee issue?
I wear a CTi de-rotational knee brace when I do anything active (like playing tennis). Since I know MA has the throwing and kicking side, I was wondering if there is going to be any problems with me wearing my knee brace under my uniform?

I had a motorcycle accident while in the Army when I was 19 and tore 3 out of my 4 ligaments in the knee. They have since been repaired (3 times) and the brace is protective since the knee is still a little bit loose.

Anyone else out there doing MA with a knee brace or knee issue?

Matt M who is another member here is a Judo Sensei and a Marine has 2 metal leg braces and it does not hinder him...
I wear a prescription knee brace when I do any stand up, I take it off when I am rolling because it has metal hinges in it. When doing any mat work I wear an over the counter type knee supporter.
I wear a prescription knee brace when I do any stand up, I take it off when I am rolling because it has metal hinges in it. When doing any mat work I wear an over the counter type knee supporter.

Is your bracing due to ligament tears or knee laxity? Does the over the counter knee supporter hold you in place?
I wear an over the counter knee brace but Ive never torn anything. just some pain issues and stability issues. Ive had no problems.

I don't (thank God) but it is a very common thing amongst us (MA-ists, that is.) Heck, Bill Wallace still wears a knee brace after all these years. You're in good company.:asian:
I don't (thank God) but it is a very common thing amongst us (MA-ists, that is.) Heck, Bill Wallace still wears a knee brace after all these years. You're in good company.:asian:

Cool, I am part of the brace club. LOL.

I am so new to this -- I just have a ton of questions and have found everyone so helpful.

I am looking forward to my journey and earning more "belts" on this board through time and experience. The Internet is the best!
I have worn a knee supporter (tight wrap for the last 3 years). I've built my legs up to where the brace was no longer needed, but I still need the support wrap for stability and to ensure that I don't injure it any further.

I know it's not quite the same as you are describing, but I also wore the old metal knee brace for many years while training, never bothered me once I got use to it.

I've worn a neoprene brace and an elastic brace (not both at once) - I sprained my knee a few years ago and every so often it comes back to haunt me.

One of my students wears braces on both knees; his knee caps pop out of place every so often without them.

Neither of us have any trouble with them in class - for tournament sparring competitors are not allowed to wear any type of brace with metal in it, even if the brace is on an illegal target (and knees are an illegal target), but in class, we just remind people to watch out - especially him, as his have the metal hinges; mine is just to keep the joint warm and remind me to be careful.
I'm just returning to duty from a knee injury..I think I will be wearing a neoprine bace when I start training again..
I had an ACL reconstruction in 2002 and I don't usually wear a brace. I sometimes wear a neoprene brace when I'm going to be doing a lot of jumping, running, kicking or throwing but it does not have metal hinges in it.

It sounds like your ligament surgery didn't really restabilize your knee too much, so you may need to make a choice between doing something you should only do with proper brace support and not doing it.
I have problems with both knees but especially my right. The pain sometimes weakens my knee strength and I can't sit in sei za (kneeling position).
I don't have a meniscus in my right knee. I can't run and can only do limited jumping motions, and when I flamingo back on my kicks I can't pull my leg back as far as it would normally go, but other than that I'm unhindered.
I just had my ACL replaced. The only problem that I have had with wearing a brace during practice is the difficulty in sitting in the kneeling position...gets a bit tight.
I coach wrestling and teach jujutsu and wear a prescription knee brace when I practice. I just take out the metal braces prior to doing any live sparring.

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