In no particular order...
2. Seeing Hatsumi walk onto the mat at Ayase just a few feet away from me. Didn't take more to convince me that he isn't going to lay off what he's doing for a long, long time.
3. "Nakadai sparring" with a guy I didn't get along too well with four years earlier (at which time I used to get smacked around quite a bit). Apparently, having kept training during that time paid off.
4. Guy being obnoxious to people around him gets grabbed by his hair and belt, jerked off his feet, and thrown head first into a wall.
5. First training with Noguchi in Honbu.
6. Being told loads of campfire stories about Bujinkan people past and present circa autumn of 2003, way too revealing to be posted online.
7. Two sanshou stylists shows up at a dojo to show off in front of their girlfriends, upon which the girlfriend of the shidoshi in question pushes both guys so far over the edge with endurance training that they both puke on the mat (ok, so I wasn't there at that particular time, but still).
8. Dojo bully performs right side zenpo keri against a beginner holding a focus shield whilst having his left supportive leg pointed outwards at a 90 degree angle. The beginner moves a bit too early and the guy dislocates his knee, lies on the floor screaming for about 40 minutes before the ambulance shows up.
9. Sparring with a female training partner having a bo staff whilst armed with a sword myself. The moment I realized the difference between self defense and mutually agreed upon fighting.
10. Shidoshi with bouncing experience demonstrates how to throw people out of a nightclub while dealing with onlookers ("do you have any idea what this guy did in there? He punched a girl in the face!").
11. First day after having ended my three year long training hiatus. I never would have guessed you could get so fatigued that it hurts to blink your eyes.
12. Shiraishi gets smacked with a shinai in the head by Hatsumi.
13. Cracked rib courtesy of Tim Bathurst.
14. A couch is turned over on the mat and two guys hide behind it with rubber shuriken, while the rest of the people participating are spread out on the training area. The shuriken guys are then supposed to jump out and attack the people pointing soft air guns at them while avoiding the "civilians".
15. 15th dan given special recognition for his sword skills gets smacked in the head by "the man with the golden spine".
16. 13th dan doesn't succeed in making the technique he demonstrated work on a white belt, while I do.
17. VERY thoroughly coordinated hanbo training in late 2003.
18. Training in complete darkness.
Etc etc etc...