your memories


Sr. Grandmaster
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My wife and along with my late instructor encouraged me for years to sit down and write my memories of my martial arts training. Seems both thought it would be a nice thing for me to pass down to my sons , grand children, and possibly my students.
Well I have finally got off my rear end and started doing just that. The first couple of pages where fairly easy to remember: how I got interested and my first experience with an actual school and how and why I changed systems. That was followed by my first experiences at my 2nd school or at least the first couple of weeks of training there.
Now come the hard part: telling of my progression through the ranks and my experiences at other schools as I traveled the country for 20 years. Naming schools and instructors is easy and giving a few facts of what was learned from each is not hard just remembering and getting things in the correct order is a little more difficult.
Then there are the little facts, events, and all those things that I witnessed, took part in, or was told about and all those people who influenced me over the years. . I'm not sure how I will chronicle all of these yet.

All that being said I was wondering if any of you who have put in years of training in the arts have ever documented you history in the arts for someone to read years from now
Nope, never have and donÂ’t know it I ever will.

I have nothing against someone writing it all out and frankly I think it would be pretty cool for your kids, grandkids and students but I was at a seminar a few years back given by Pan Qing Fu and I remember someone asking him about writing a book and he pretty much said when IÂ’m too old to train I will write a book, until that happened he had not time for anything but training.

And I use that as an excuse quite often for not writing things down :D
I have a few in my closet also and have been debating if I will include them or not. They do have some importance to me but I am not sure how much they influenced my learning/teaching. Some most diffenately did while others may have been more influence that I thought being as i still remenber them
I've never done it but it's not a bad idea.

If you plan to do this, take pictures while you can of the relevant people, places, etc. Each one is worth 1,000 words ya know.
My wife and along with my late instructor encouraged me for years to sit down and write my memories of my martial arts training. Seems both thought it would be a nice thing for me to pass down to my sons , grand children, and possibly my students.
Well I have finally got off my rear end and started doing just that. The first couple of pages where fairly easy to remember: how I got interested and my first experience with an actual school and how and why I changed systems. That was followed by my first experiences at my 2nd school or at least the first couple of weeks of training there.
Now come the hard part: telling of my progression through the ranks and my experiences at other schools as I traveled the country for 20 years. Naming schools and instructors is easy and giving a few facts of what was learned from each is not hard just remembering and getting things in the correct order is a little more difficult.
Then there are the little facts, events, and all those things that I witnessed, took part in, or was told about and all those people who influenced me over the years. . I'm not sure how I will chronicle all of these yet.

All that being said I was wondering if any of you who have put in years of training in the arts have ever documented you history in the arts for someone to read years from now

I havent written anything down, but many times, I'll sit and reflect back on things that've happened over the years. Of course, sometimes this is a good thing, as its nice to reflect back on those good times, but OTOH, it could be bad, because there are always some bad things that've happened, and reflecting back on those, either upsets you or pisses you off. LOL.
I used to write all the important things down in a journal. I mainly did it for myself, so I could look back.. I started off writing why I started Aikido, first impression about the dojo, the people, etc. and main events. I included some of the worst moments and my own failings as well as the good to keep it real and remind me how far I've come. It amazes me how I used to hate certain techniques with a passion (because they were hard for me) but now I love them. There have been many changes over the years. The only things I've written down in the last couple of years was my shodan test experience and the seminars since then.

I started a journal about 4 months into training, and kept it irregularly for about 2 years. Looking back at it, it was a pretty embarrassing representation of where I was at the time. I didn't really manage to write anything interesting. I have, however, kept every e-mail between myself and my teachers, and a few thoughtful friends, and value those discussions greatly.
Over the years I have tried to write down notes about class, what I learned drills etc. etc. Early on I decided when taking breaks at work I would instead of playing cards I would write in note books about my training. Over time (especially when computers came along) I started writing down notes on my lap top and transferring all of my previous notes. Somewhere along the way I decided to write down as background info what was going on at what particular class, or seminar etc. etc.

Looking back over the material, I enjoy reading over the what was going on back then and it is as important to me as the training notes at times. There are gaps sure, but what I do have has helped me a lot teaching my current students.
I have done this. I usually try and update it every 6 months or so. Its a good way to be able to reflect on how much you've learned/changed. Not to mention I've met many good people doing the martial arts and I like that I have a good record of it all.
check out

You can actually publish your own book.

I've kept a journal of my training for many years and since I've discovered that site, I am now putting it into book form, along with all the pictures I've accumulated over the years, to give to my 2 sons.
My wife and along with my late instructor encouraged me for years to sit down and write my memories of my martial arts training. Seems both thought it would be a nice thing for me to pass down to my sons , grand children, and possibly my students.
Well I have finally got off my rear end and started doing just that. The first couple of pages where fairly easy to remember: how I got interested and my first experience with an actual school and how and why I changed systems. That was followed by my first experiences at my 2nd school or at least the first couple of weeks of training there.
Now come the hard part: telling of my progression through the ranks and my experiences at other schools as I traveled the country for 20 years. Naming schools and instructors is easy and giving a few facts of what was learned from each is not hard just remembering and getting things in the correct order is a little more difficult.
Then there are the little facts, events, and all those things that I witnessed, took part in, or was told about and all those people who influenced me over the years. . I'm not sure how I will chronicle all of these yet.

All that being said I was wondering if any of you who have put in years of training in the arts have ever documented you history in the arts for someone to read years from now

I'm actually trying to do this right now! I find it difficult however, to remeber things in chronological order. i can't even remember the age I was when i began learning. My mother says i was four, but that only when I got my first gi. Before that time, i'm sure Dad schooled me in Ukemi-waza.
Sometimes I'll remember a certain occurance being in one year and then being reminded of something that would make the initial memory impossible to be at that time. I am amazed at the people who remember most occurances with an accurate timeline. it's still fun to reminice.
I find that I remember stuff a day or so after I have completed a page. Things that may seem nothing to anyone else but they must have been an influence to me.
Much of the writing will be just little instances that occurred but I want them remembered along with who was involved. I know I am going to end up with pages of happenings that are out of order, but at least they will be written down.
I find that I remember stuff a day or so after I have completed a page. Things that may seem nothing to anyone else but they must have been an influence to me.
Much of the writing will be just little instances that occurred but I want them remembered along with who was involved. I know I am going to end up with pages of happenings that are out of order, but at least they will be written down.
Wow this sounds like a fantastic idea. You know I think we do not always pick up on the subtleties when we are in the middle of some event or time of our lives. A retrospective look at what we thought were major events can shed light on their insignificance and those that we lent no importance to can be revealed as profound.

I think trying to put this into context is the most valuable lesson you can maybe take out of it yourself and possibly pass on to others. Experiences alone do not constitute wisdom and but rather how you have assimilated those experiences into your study of the arts and your life beyond.

Are you writing this for public consumption? I should really like to read your work if you put it up on a blog or somewhere yes? Nonetheless I wish you a clear mind to think and a strong hand to write and every success for this endeavour, J

This was ment to be only for my students and family and maybe a few friends.
I do not blog.
I have no idea when this will be finished as I have over 40 years of experiences to remember. Plus that I am still studying different arts and learning all the time, even when I teach.
I'll keep you in mind and will try to send you a copy in 6 months or so. By that time I'll have a fairly good portion of it finished, if you truly wish to read it.
Much of it might not have any meaning to you but you may find some of it interesting and entertaining.

As for the clear mind, well, thats has beed debated for years