Your instructor?


Senior Master
Just had a thought cross my mind. I am back to training after a long hiatus due to life getting in the way. I have been back for 7 or 8 months, and am in a unique situation I think. My Instructor has my utmost respect for his knowledge in the art, his dedication to the art, and also his teaching ability. He is also my Brother, my younger brother.

The question I have is: How many of you either train under family members, or have family members as students? How does it work for you?

It is a great situation for us, even though we didn't get along that great as kids, we have gelled quite well as adults and this is just cementing our friendship even better.
My sons are stuents of mine. However we all have the experence and knowledge to learn from one another and to keep puting thoughts and ideas up for discussion and learning
My wife is wayyyyy senior and a heck of a lot better than me. It's great though. I get to help her teach, bounce ideas off of her all the time, and get supervised practice in at home. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Just had a thought cross my mind. I am back to training after a long hiatus due to life getting in the way. I have been back for 7 or 8 months, and am in a unique situation I think. My Instructor has my utmost respect for his knowledge in the art, his dedication to the art, and also his teaching ability. He is also my Brother, my younger brother.

The question I have is: How many of you either train under family members, or have family members as students? How does it work for you?

It is a great situation for us, even though we didn't get along that great as kids, we have gelled quite well as adults and this is just cementing our friendship even better.

When I first started, a freind introduced me to Modern Arnis. He was already a black belt. While on the matts it was sir, and I followed all forms of courtesy and enjoyed the learning. When off the matts and in the locker room it was call him by his first name and talk about girls, and work and , ..., . But, some others could not handle having to call their friend sir.

The issue is not right or wrong. The issue is to identify if it is an issue, and if it is, then how do you address it.

It can be difficult learning from a family member. You have to be able to put the fact that you're brothers off to the side while you're in class and that's not an easy thing to do- If there's a disagreement in the training hall, you tend to take it home with you and it can have adverse effects on your family and your relationship with your brother- So be careful...
I trained under my Father and it was great and My wife and three boys train under me and we have alot of fun and workout are great and we get to share something that we all love.
My wife helps run our school and my daughter also takes classes.
I try and keep clear boundries about what "hat" we are each wearing at any given time and also keep clear what each of our jobs are and not to step on each others toes.
For example: my wife is in charge of the kids program. while I may offer suggestions from time to time or she may ask advice, I consider that program hers and I respect that boundry.
I am in charge of the adult program, the curriculum, ranking, and teaching the staff.
I got good advice early on about keeping the boundries clear and it has worked well.
Working with family/friends can end badly so its important to communicate and keep the expectations clear to avoid this from happening.
Great thoughts and comments so far. Thanks.

Pstarr - No worrys. We are way past the kid stage and respect each other as individuals first, we did before we started training together years ago. When I moved back to the area and had the time to resume training, he was a natural to turn to as he has his own school now and is very good at what he does. In the Dojo, he is Instructor first, Friend second and brother third. Outside of the Dojo he is a friend first with the added bonus of also being a brother as well.

The MA's have become a family staple around here now. My Brother and I started training within a week of each other, and now it includes His son, My wife, and 2 of my 4 sons (the other 2 want to do it as well, but just not quite ready yet.) I am slowly getting to help out with the Junior age group so I get to help train my sons and Nephew no as well. It is just a nice thing to share with the ones you Love.

Frank has some very valid advice on keeping home - home and training - training. I know where I stand in the Dojo, no matter what my relationship is with the Owner/Instructor, I am still a student at my belt ranking first. So do my kids, their uncle is either "Mr. Gordon" or "Sensei Gordon" in the training hall, same as I call him.
I teach my wife and two children. For the most part, it works out o.k. The only problem I get is that my kids have a "it's just dad" thing going so they do not listen to me as well as I would like. They are 7 and 4 years old. I finally talked my wife into getting back into the art a year and a half ago. It is nice to have her help teaching in the children's class.
Hello, My son and I started almost the same time (same school), today I help as an assistant Instructor, my son is a student Black belt, also helps with the classes.

My Instructor and I treat's everyone the same when in training and classes and so on.

Anytime you can be a role model and DAD! this is good. Plus we share a common bon for the martial has truely be a great learning experience for both of us (son is Senior in High school today).

When we go to Martial art Seminars it is nice to be able to be a part of your children's learning experience.

We have great love and respect for each other, We always put our children lives first,(It is you JOB to raise them)...meaning to spend as much time with them in everything.

Today my daughter is doing wrestling for high school because she wants to do the things my son does too...she fell in love with the sport and some of her close friends join too.

From the time they were born we took them fishing and camping other sport WE all enjoy..........Aloha

PS: Patience and giving yourself to help others (family members) is not easy. We all did not grow up the same way. Simile! Try your the end the rewards will be greater...
my dad and my wife train at my school.

my wife trains mostly under one of my employees. it messes somewhat with her psyche when i hit her. i'm her husband. husbands don't hit wives.

my dad comes to class and the dynamic is really cool. i can tell he enjoys the arts and also enjoys being proud of me up there doing my thing.

still, it weirds me out when i give a command and my dad says 'yes, sir'
I trained under my father from childhood. I then went off and trained elsewhere. I have now trained several of my cousins, my sister, several brothers-in-law, a few of my aunts and uncles, and most importantly My Wife. Some day I hope to train my children. I would not trade any of it for any amount of money.

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