Your Ideal and Real Cross-Train Styles

Jean Marais

Yellow Belt
I'd like to know what your ideal and real cross-train styles/arts are, how you would/do prioritize them in hours and why.

First me:
Ideally I would do 1.5 hrs x2 weekly Wing Chun,
and 2 hrs x1 weekly Ju Jutsu.

I find learning JJ far easier and natural, so I need less time.
My striking and distance game is I need the most work.

Du to the 1.5 hrs available to me for sport, I do Ju Jutsu, because
1) It's a quarter of the price for an equivalently experienced instructor
2) I have a black belt in Karate and figure it's time to improve my ground game.
I know what you mean. I wanted to take Wing Chun (not just because of Donnie Yen's movies, but because I like the centerline and simultaneous attack+defense principles that are at the core of WC) but couldn't find a school teaching that in my area. The closest school I'd spend more time driving than training, and I don't like driving far, so that nixed WC from my options.

Instead I've ended up doing Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido. I'd prefer to spend as much time, if not more time in hapkido (because it's more practical and I'm worse at it), but there's only one class a week at my school, while I go 3 TKD classes a week.

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