Your Governing Body

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Originally posted by kickyou

He did not publicly humiliate me at an International Instructors Course because I was a female.The General did this to me a couple of years ago in Colorado not once but twice.Also he believes that women are equals not subservients.Also he has carried on the true spirit of TKD.He has indured extreme hardships for TKD including being kidnapped along with his sister and used as a bargaining tool against his Father only to have his Father tell his captures to go ahead and kill them both because he chooses TKD over his children.Even though his Father did this Master Choi was still loyal to him until lately when his Father had finally gone too far and has handed the ITF over to the NK Government.

Well, just goes to show ya how long I've been out of the ITF loop.
Politics really suck:mad:

Originally posted by white dragon

do you really think there would be much of a change if he were to die soon? I'd like to think people would continue to teach in the same way and the asme patterns as they have done for the last x-amount of years, because it's what they believe in... not because someone they've never met thousands of miles away thinks that they should.

In the UK we have Grand Master Rhee, Ki Ha who with General Choi was also a founder of Taekwon-Do as the ITF knows it. According to the General he is the best/greatest practioner of Taekwon-Do.

So in short, should the general die, then Grand Master Rhee would continue to do the work he does in the UK and Europe, which is to ensure that Taekwon-Do is taught to the General's specification as laid out in the Encyclopaedia of Taekwon-Do.
I have heard of many martial arts having governing bodies, to ethically help guide the Instructors and keep the young students and vulnerable adults safe, and the instructor of course, so what are your thoughts on mandatory governing bodies for all martial arts? Also, should Martial Art Schools have codes of conduct?
I nominate this for Zombie Revival of the Month... more than 10 years since the last post, and *BOOM*...

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