First off I want to thank this community for such a great site and all of the helpful information that can be found here.Second, sorry for the large post but I am a complete rookie, and to be honest sometimes the deeper I get the more confused I get.Ok I am 39 years old. I am looking to martial arts as a means to keep my body AND mind from getting stuck in an office. I am out of shape.
To increase my cardio I plan on running. I would like to find an art that is not heavly dependent on kicks. I think I would do fine with low defensive or control type kicks, but right now my leg will be nowhere near someones head unless they fall down. I am very interested in the "traditional" and traditions of martial arts. I believe from the reading I have done I would like to study the Chinese Arts. My long term goal would be to possibly study a "striking" type art then down the road possibly more of a "throw" or "wrestling" form. As of right now I am really thinking of taking Wing Chun, but that is also why I am here. If I am going to dedicate the time and money in studying, I would like to have a little comfort in knowing the school I have chosen is at least somewhat legit. I live in Columbus, Ohio and have read several post on the forums about local schools, but there are three I can not seem to find much information on. I would LOVE to have any feed back if you have experience with any of these instructors/schools or if you don't mind take a look and see if their lineage's ring a bell. There are a couple Akido schools in my area, I may head down that path if the Kung Fu schools do not pan out.I apologize if my ignorance of the arts screams in this post. I will continue to read here and hopefully in the next few months have started my journey with a school.Here are the schools I am looking at:The only Wing Chun school I can locate close to me- Dr. Wu's Institute-Wing Chun, Qi Gong, Pa Qua Chang, & Tai Chi Chuan This school seems to offer a wide varity, thought I may be able to experience more here, Ho-I Kung-Fu & Tai Chi Academy I have not researched this style to get an idea of the amount of kicking involved, but this school is very close to my house.Wah Lum Kung Fu & Tai Chi If anyone is aware of schools I am missing, please let me know. I believe all of these schools offer a free session so I will most likely attend. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I would GREATLY appreciate your feed back, especially if you know anything of these school, as I am having a hard time with that decision.