Kacey said:
I don't disagree entirely; however, I think it depends on the reason that the crime was committed. There is a difference, for instance, between someone who steals for the joy of committing a crime, or the joy of "having" things, and the person who steals to feed hungry children. The former two may well be beyond rehabilitation; the latter would most likely not have to resort to crime if other options for feeding those children become available.
Yes, but we're talking about two men beating a homless man for pleasure, so lets not lose too much sight of the actually context of this discussion.
Also, in the US in this day and age, people rarely steal to feed their hungry children. We provide food for hungry children, the state and federal government pay for it. In fact, the biggest crime involved there is the drug and alcohol addicted parents who SELL foodstamps and their childrens food to BUY drugs and alcohol.
In theory, I understand your point, but in point of fact, at least as the developed world is concerned, it's a non issue.
Kacey said:
Also, please note that my primary push is for prevention. In one of my graduate classes last semester, the professor pointed out that several states base their projections of jail space on the reported rates of behavioral problems among the state's second grade students. Rather than using that money to build jails for those second graders to grow into, that money should be used to provide as many of the students as possible with the skills necessary to avoid becoming criminals in the first place - which, ultimately, should reduce the need for jail space.
I'd be interested in knowing which state this is. Sounds like a myth. A little too contrived. What likely he is referring to, though a bit dishonestly, is that adult behavior can be predicted in second grade. Prisons do not build that far ahead, however, as in reality prisons are always overbooked as it is. Further, you can't predict trends in criminal behavior that far away. What's money, money is not set aside that far in the future. Prisons are filled as soon as they are built. So, building them in anticipation of 2nd grade offenders would presume they were built and remained empty waiting. That isn't the case.
At any rate, prevention is a nice buzz word, but the sad fact is, you can't 'prevent' all crime. Not all crime is the result of lack of education, or lack of opportunities, heck, some aren't even from lack of parental discipline (though that plays a HUGE role). Some people are just born to be criminals. I know we find that statement distasteful, but i've been dealing with criminals, intimately for well over a decade. I can spot often spot a child who is going to grow up to be a criminal. They have a certain quality....or rather, they lack certain qualities, empathy and guilt, for example.
I also assume your graduate degree is in education, am I correct?
Kacey said:
I have no such belief. I teach special education in a middle school that is in a low-income, high-crime neighborhood; I have students whose parents have committed nearly every crime on the books; for that matter, I have (or used to have) students who have committed felonies - that's 11-14 year old children, showing off knives and guns at school, stealing cars (not to joy ride, but to fence), committing assaults... how old do they have to be before people like you give up on them, incarcerate them, and then release them knowing nothing but what they learned in jail?
Old enough to rob, rape steal and murder.....next question. By the way, nobody 'gave up on them'. That's a dodge. You're excusing their behavior, and blaming someone else for it. No one MADE them commit a crime. It was this kind of failed sociological thinking in the 1960's and 1970's that lead to the highest crime rates in US history in the 1970's and 1980's. Crime didn't go DOWN because people thought like you, it SKY ROCKETED.
Do the research, treating crime like a disease that needs treatment was an unqualified failure.
Kacey said:
I think that this depends on the type of crime, and the amount of damage. As a taxpayer, I resent the amount of my taxes that go to support a justice system than releases criminals who are incapable of any means of support other than Welfare or returning to crime, that does little help released criminals integrate back into society, but freely allows them to return to the situation which led to the criminal activity in the first place.
Again, I agree. But you've yet to point to me ONE successful program that will rehabilitate even HALF of offenders, even HALF. You can't point to one solution that will reduce recidivism. The best you've got is 'There has to be a way'. No, there certainly doesn't have to be. You presume that because we want it bad enough, it will exist. Probation and Parole were designed to rehabilitate and reintegrate prisoners back in to society. They are monitored, and trained, and drug tested, and given educational opportunities. Most reoffend within two months. Blaming society is a cop out.
Kacey said:
This is true - there is no hope for some of them. However, I do know people who have "adopted criminal thinking as their thought process" and yet learned to live within the law. How do you separate out those who can learn from those who can't?
Many don't learn to 'live within the law' many just learn how better to not get caught by the law. They merely become more sophisticated in their criminal activity.
Kacey said:
I'm not offended - I'm saddened by what this says about our society in general. My only reason for desiring understanding for criminals is to find ways to help them not be criminals any more, and, if that's not possible, to find ways to prevent others from following the same path.
You blame society, but it's not unique to our society. In fact, our crime has been falling steadily for about 15 years. The crime rate Europe has been on a steady incline for the last several years. This is not a 'US problem', this is a human race problem.
Really, what you should be saying is 'I'm saddened by what this says about humanity as a whole, that so many of us embrace criminal behavior as a viable lifestyle.'
You're presumption is that criminals are 'victims'. You talk about 'preventing them' from becoming criminals. You assume it isn't a concious choice. Yet, I bet you'd be offended by the suggestion that you aren't capable of making a concious choice. The reality is that YOU made a concious choice to be where you are, criminals, like wise, and crime, are on one level or another, rational choices. That's why you can't 'prevent' crime as if it were a disease. It's not a disease, it's a maladaptive way of looking at the world. As such you can't 'prevent it' in many cases.
Since we've brought up criminal thinking, let me let you in on a little contrast between the mind of a criminal and the mind of the average person. In jail, criminals often call those who don't think like criminals 'Square Johns', hence, non-criminal thinking is 'Square John thinking'.
You're walking down the road, and you see a woman drop money out of her purse. She doesn't see it, but you do. Contrast
Normal Thinking : Walk up to the woman, and tell her she dropped some money
Criminal Thinking: Wait till she's not looking, and scoop it up and put it in your pocket...better yet, rob her of the rest of her money.
You're in a restaurant, and someone leaves a checkbook on the next table.
Normal Thinking: I walk up and tell the manager someone left their checkbook
Criminal Thinking: When nobodies looking I put it in my pocket, and start writting forged checks.
You're at a party, and some girl has had too much to drink.
Normal Thinking: Try and keep the other guys away from her and try to make sure she gets home safely
Criminal Thinking: Wait till she passes out, and have my way with her.
You hear about a robber down the block getting show by a homeowner
Normal thinking : Be glad it wasn't my house. Alternate: Be glad there's one less robber running around.
Criminal Thinking: Be angry at the homeowner, and think that you'll be glad when they ban all those private guns, so that you can be safe breaking in to a house. I mean, you're just trying to make a living.
You see the police driving down your block.
Normal Thinking: I'm glad they're patroling my area
Criminal Thinking: I wish those pigs would go somewhere else.
You hear about a homeless man getting beaten by two men. You then hear they got arrested and are going to be charged.
Normal Thinking: How could someone beat a defenseless homeless man for pleasure, that is so wrong Alternate: Those punks need to go to jail
Criminal Thinking: I can't believe they're hassling those boys who were obviously just out having a little fun, blowing off some steam. It's not any big deal. People watch violence all the time, what's the difference. Beating a homeless man, that's one thing, but to send two men to JAIL, that's awful. It's not me that's corrupt, society is corrupt....man.
Then there's criminal logic. Such logic basically follows as such
'Yeah, I shot her, but it's her own fault...I just wanted some money, the dumb broad shouldn't have fought back' genuinely convinced he was justified.
'Anything that's not nailed down belongs to me...anything I can pry loose is not nailed down.'
'I have the right to steal anything I want, you don't have the right to stop me.'
'I have the right to rape any woman I want, you don't have the right to stop me.'
'I have the right to beat anyone I want, with impunity, you don't have the right to stop me.'
'Sure, i'm a rapist, thief, and murderer, but it's the cops that are crooked....They lied to me to get me to confess to a rape and murder.....that's wrong, to lie to a guy like that.'
'I didn't do nuthin', man, this BS' said with the stolen property in his hand.
'You're a jerk for not believing my obvious lie of a story' said with righteous indignation.
'She's lying, I never touched her' said as the woman is being carted away in an ambulance.
Yes, Virginia, criminals do really exist, and they aren't the soft, cuddly, misunderstood criminals too many of us are apparently seeing on TV. They're the 'break in to your house, steal your TV, slap your mom, and shoot your dog type criminals.'