You Might Be A Martial Artist...

If you get out of bed to do 30 seconds of shadow boxing because you might have just had a minor epiphany....

If you have at least one pair of trainers or martial arts shoes that are ruined because you can't help but kick things you really shouldn't....

If you apologise after someone has just punched you in the face....

If you have more clothes that are for 'training' than for wearing at any other time....

If you have punched or kicked your partner whilst falling asleep because you were thinking about training....

You might be a martial artist.
Bowing at doorways that aren't martial arts related. LOL
Oh, yeah. I retired from my job as a computer wonk to run my school full-time, but when I was working, I would go to meetings and bow in the doorway of the conference room. Everyone thought it was hilarious. SWMBO does the same thing at her job.
You might be a martial artist if you have a bruises or cuts and have no memory of how you got them

You might be a martial artist if you randomly smack someone for saying something like "yep" or "okay" instead of saying "yes sir/ma'am"

You might be a martial artist if you look at someone and already know several ideal targets and preferred techniques

You might be a martial artist if you sleep with your weapon(s) at night
When you shadow box or practice kicks and punches to overcome nervousness before interview and exam...
Yep one of my friend does, he says it is good way to overcome nervousness and to concentrate.
When you take pride in having bruises where you have never seen them on a person before (years ago I caught a jump back kick straight in the chest while "light sparring" and it blossomed into the biggest star-burst multicolored bruise right in the center of my chest--it was Awesome!), you might be a martial artist.

When you have multiple bruises in different stages of healing all over your body, you might be a martial artist.
If soreness and pain gives you a sense of achievement.

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you might be a martial If people have learned to wake you up you VERY CAREFULLY

If someone taps your shoulder and you turn around ready in fighting stance you could be a martial artist

If you get accused by traumatized roommates of doing "sleep-kata" you may be a martial artist
If your leg twitches, when someone kicks at the camera, in a martial art might be a martial artist
Watching a dance show you think "only if I had that much flexibility, I would be grand master in kung fu"

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