You Might Be A Martial Artist...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
If you have more gi's hanging in your closet than street clothes, you might be a martial artist.

If feel comfortable wearing a cup, you might be a martial artist.

If you are surprised to discover you are not currently injured, because it is normal to be healing from something, you might be a martial artist.

... your turn...
If you are currently injured, and don't remember how...

If you run into people often who innocently remark that they didn't recognize you in clothes...
If you don't wear a gi, you might be a martial artist.
If you don't wear a cup, you might be a martial artist.
If you're not always injured, you might be a martial artist.
If you don't do forms, you might be a martial artist.
If you don't conform to tradition, you might be a martial artist.
If you intercept your victims attack, you might be a martial artist.
If you adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, you might be a martial artist.
When you are sporting a black eye in the wedding pictures of more than one friend - you might be a Martial Artist.

If your favorite pair of pants look like crap but are fit to move - you might be a Martial Artist.

If you find yourself on a forum of folks even crazier than you are - you might be a Martial Artist.
If you find yourself on a forum of folks even crazier than you are - you might be a Martial Artist.

That one right there :D


If when you get hit you just smile, you might be a martial artist

If the first things you say, after getting thrown on the floor, are "Cool, lets do that again" you might be a martial artist
If you have an opinion on what a black belt REALLY means or doesn't mean...
If you have ever used the term "on the street" in any context...
If you have ever watched a martial arts movie and critiqued the execution of a technique ("if he really wanted to lock that RNC in, he needs to get both hooks.")
- You use the word "combat" more than 100 times daily.
- You knock on your next door neighbor and ask the guy if he is willing to spar/wrestle with you for 15 rounds.
- When you walk on the street, you walk like the following clip.

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If people at work ask you something and you reply with...Hai ...rather than might be a Japanese martial artist.

If you moto is not TGIF but rather TGIM..because karate classes are on Monday. ....

When asked about your cologne, and your reply is's called dit da jow. ...

If you have ever gotten tiger balm on your private area....
If you see or hear the letters BJ and the first image that pops into your head is Royce Gracie and not Linda might be a martial artist.
If you find that perfectly acceptable that you thought about Royce Gracie rather than Linda Lovelace,... and your OK with that...:) you might be a martial artist.
If every T-shirt you put on has something related to the martial arts on it.

If 90% of the people you call friends are Martial arts people

if all your friends on Facebook are in the arts