You know the Ninja Boom is over when......

JeffJ said:
Allright, who wants to get with me and make Pirate Fu? We could really cash in. And it'd give us an excuse to get eye patches and parrots.

Arrrggggghhh Matey!!!


Dude, we could do this..I have a backround in theatrics and broadcasting..We could be the Stephen K. Hayes for the next decade..We could also sell our certificates on e-Bay and REALLY cash in...
Drac said:
Dude, we could do this..I have a backround in theatrics and broadcasting..We could be the Stephen K. Hayes for the next decade..We could also sell our certificates on e-Bay and REALLY cash in...
I did a lil fight choreography back years ago. Instead of Gi's, we'll sell poofy shirts and tri-cornered hats. We'll need to find a good source for cutlasses and sell them for about 10x their worth too. And special "hand crafted" belaying pins.

JeffJ said:
We'll need to find a good source for cutlasses and sell them for about 10x their worth too. And special "hand crafted" belaying pins.


No problems there..We'll find one of those companies that made all that authentic Ninja gear back then..
mrhnau said:
10th dan test - Poke out your own eye. Replace w/ eye patch. You may now call yourself "soke pirate"
You were doing great up until this. How can the grandmaster of a pirate fighting system be called anything other than "Cap'n"? :p
Man, you guys are all wrong:

10- 7th Kyu = Swabbie
6th - 2nd Kyu = Privateer
1st Kyu = Pirate

1st Dan = CabinBoy/girl
2nd Dan = Cooky
3rd Dan= Powdermonkey
4rd Dan = Gunner
5th Dan = Master Gunner
6th Dan = Quartermaster
7th Dan = Bosun
8th Dan = First Mate
9th Dan = Cap'n
10th Dan = Admirial
Drac said:
They no longer sell copies of the medallion he wore in the series...

Avast!!! A medallion says you? Aye! Me crew and I 'ave been searchin' for a cursed medallion. Man in a black mask dove in after ole' Boot Strap Turner and stole it from Davey Jones Locker. Me thinks it were the Dread Pirate Roberts but me crew says it were a round-eyed Ninja! Blasted Ninja!!! Aye...but a man who cannot be trusted be a fine man indeed!!!