You know the Ninja Boom is over when......

Steve Hayes actually kept me from looking at the Bujinkan for the past 20 years. The titles of his books and his pictures actually turned me off Ninjutsu. I thought he was a sensationalist joke. Heck, 'till I came on here, I still thought that way about it all. I didn't realize there was serious stuff going on in Ninjutsu.

Kreth said:
And no doubt some of today's Koga Kiddies will pop up teaching a heretofore undiscovered branch of North Sea Buccaneer Brawling. :rolleyes:

Next thing you know there will be a school on drunken pirate fighting.

Brian R. VanCise
Who here remembers "Ninja" magazine? Man, those were the days. I wanted that utility belt in the back ads of the magazine so bad.

Hey, wasn't there a real group of ninja pirates. Someone name kotaro or something like that from a clan called the fuma. Ah yes the ninja magazine with harunaka hoshino of the fuma clan. I heard that he is a pirate in the japan sea today. Sneaking onboard some ships at night. And Yes there was a lot of rum...
Teppan said:
Ah yes the ninja magazine with harunaka hoshino of the fuma clan. I heard that he is a pirate in the japan sea today. Sneaking onboard some ships at night. And Yes there was a lot of rum...
Well, he has been known to steal swords.

Oh... allegedly.
ArmorOfGod said:
Who here remembers "Ninja" magazine? Man, those were the days. I wanted that utility belt in the back ads of the magazine so bad.


I remember them.. We actually had a guy attempt to come into the nightclub wearing one that was loaded with all sorts of hand weapons...
Can you imagine what a seminar on Pirate Fighting would be like or what the person would be teaching it would be like...Sign me up...
Drac said:
Can you imagine what a seminar on Pirate Fighting would be like or what the person would be teaching it would be like...Sign me up...
Allright, who wants to get with me and make Pirate Fu? We could really cash in. And it'd give us an excuse to get eye patches and parrots.

Arrrggggghhh Matey!!!

Pirate-do testing schedule -

1st dan test - you get a black belt. Kill someone w/ your black belt.
slide down sail of your ship with just a knife (a la Errol Flinn (sp) ).

2nd dan test - acquire (steal) 50 gallons of rum :P imbibe contents and remain conscious (sp).

3rd dan test - acquire (steal) a parrot. Teach said parrot to curse.

4th dan test - ride through a category 1 hurricane in a dingy w/out throwing up.
acquire a flamboyant hat to be worn at all times.

5th dan test - rape, pillage and murder small village.

6th dan test - escape from prison after your 5th dan test.

7th dan test - grow your beard at least 2 feet long (for males).
chop off 2 foot beard from other 7+ dan. Glue to face. Beard donor demoted to 6th dan (for females).

8th dan test - ride through a category 5 hurricane blindfolded in a dingy w/out throwing up.

9th dan test - find buried treasure (other than your own)

10th dan test - Poke out your own eye. Replace w/ eye patch. You may now call yourself "soke pirate"
I believe there was a cruise ship that pirates tried to take off the cost of Somalia. I believe all shipping traffic that is traversing the area is supposed to be 200 (or was it 20?) miles out from the coast of Somolia to minimize the risk of pirates. There was a cruise ship that came within the sight of shore and was attacked by pirates weilding none other than ninja swords! HAHAHA, no they were weilding AKs and shoulder fired rockets.
JeffJ said:
But in general, they only preyed on lone, weak ships.


Depends man, depends.

Perhaps some of the smaller, less famous pirates... but how do you become famous doing that? In short... you dont. Some pirate captains had whole fleets of ships at their disposal... Like Henry Morgan, and decimated spanish trading ports... Edward Teach took on several larger ships, and blockaded whole harbors. "Black Bart" Roberts took on a fleet of 20 merchant ships with only 60 men, and a 20 gun sloop off the coast of newfoundland...
Technopunk said:
Depends man, depends.

Perhaps some of the smaller, less famous pirates... but how do you become famous doing that? In short... you dont. Some pirate captains had whole fleets of ships at their disposal... Like Henry Morgan, and decimated spanish trading ports... Edward Teach took on several larger ships, and blockaded whole harbors. "Black Bart" Roberts took on a fleet of 20 merchant ships with only 60 men, and a 20 gun sloop off the coast of newfoundland...
Like I said before, there were instances of these kind of actions, but they were the exception and not the rule. It's fun to look at pirates romantically, but don't forget, essentially, they were thieves and murderers.
