"You have rights, the government has privileges"


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
Found the links to this presentation on another forum. After watching it, I think everyone in America should be required to watch it as it contains info. everyone in the country should know and understand.

it's broken into 3 parts watch them in order (it's about 25 minutes total but definately worth your time).
3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ5LnjVJcFc&feature=related

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Say rather:

You have rights if you can keep them and anyone respects them.
You have privileges if someone with the power gives them to you.
The government has powers that may be just, unjust, listed or assumed as long as it can enforce them and people believe in them.
Well it's what I've said before that the American people have the power to revoke every single one of those guys sitting on capitol hill and toss them out. But we don't. Of course it's not a good idea to do it all at once but it is a necessary thought that needs to be implanted into the minds of every American of voting age that they can, if they do not like or are not satisfied with whomever is their local, state and federal representative, they can get rid of them and put someone else in their place and repeat that process.
Supposedly we do.
Yet there are career senators, there are career congressmen and career legislators. Remember these are the guys who vote pay raises for themselves and listen to those who give the biggest "gifts".

As far as the videos...
I liked the first one, made me feel good about understanding what the constitution is supposed to do or what I'm supposed to do for it.
The second one however when he speaks about the Communist Manifesto and compares the goings on in this country to what is on the "planks"... that well, said to me that I need to look into a bit more to be for or against what he's talking about.
True, the Federal Reserve is a private organization hired by the U.S. government to print currency. Is this constitutional? Again something that I need to look at a bit more closely.
Third video; I got distracted by his self-promo-plugs near the end, but the denial of habeas corpus is something that needs to be looked at and removed/changed when Bush/Cheney (So?) is out of office. I don't think that getting it removed now will happen. But it does need to be taken out.
Terrorist they may be, crimes against us as terrible as they are need to be taken care of with due process and by rights under our laws. Otherwise how is it going to look to the rest of the world comrades?