Master Black Belt
I was at a local Asian movie store and I sat and talked to the owner for a good while. We were talking about Donnie Yen movies and all Kung Fu movies in general and he pointed me towards the movie The Prodigal Son which was directed by Sammo.
It is probably the only movie where you will see WC performed and I must admit that I am very impressed. I know we all know about "Movie Fu" but this movie got rave reviews for it's use of WC and I must say that if you have the chance you should definately watch it.
I also had a scene where Sammo explains how size makes a difference into how you use WC. Watch both youtube links and share your comments. I highly suggest this movie. Rare you get to see a WC master & actor in a movie.
I notice how when you look to see video clips of WC you see people showing how fast they are and nothing but chain punches but in this movie you see NO chain punches but you see how effective WC can be.
Review of the moview:
Youtube Link:
It is probably the only movie where you will see WC performed and I must admit that I am very impressed. I know we all know about "Movie Fu" but this movie got rave reviews for it's use of WC and I must say that if you have the chance you should definately watch it.
I also had a scene where Sammo explains how size makes a difference into how you use WC. Watch both youtube links and share your comments. I highly suggest this movie. Rare you get to see a WC master & actor in a movie.
I notice how when you look to see video clips of WC you see people showing how fast they are and nothing but chain punches but in this movie you see NO chain punches but you see how effective WC can be.
Review of the moview:
Youtube Link: