Yo Mamma Jokes

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Your Momma's so poor her wecome mat says "Welfare Welcome"

Your Momma' so Poor she ate the cat.

Your Momma's so fat when she walks around she makes a 7.0 on the Richter Scale.

Your Momma's so Dumb people call her retardy and she thinks she's late a second time!

Your Momma's so fat she uses a pair of Radio Flyers as rollerskates.

Your Momma's so ugly she cracked the mirror.

Your momma's so nappy her lice have lice.
My favorite momma joke

Your momma is so fat if oyu put saran wrap on the back of her neck it would look like a package of weiners.
Damn, you people are good!
I scrolled down, thinking I could post some good ones, but you all have my best material and then some!

All I could think of was:

Yo Mamma so stupid she was fired from her job as an elevator operator 'cause she couldn't learn the route.

Yo Mamma so stupid when she tried to blow up her neighbor's car, she burnt her lips on the tailpipe.

Yo Mamma so stupid when you find a sign that says "dip in the road", you gotta swerve to keep from hitting her.

Yo Mamma so poor that when she scrapes off her wallpaper, she ain't redecorating, she's moving.

Yo Mamma so ugly that you can't put up her picture in your jail cell, 'cause it's cruel and unusual punishment.

Yo Mamma so nasty she can suck a basketball through 10 feet of garden hose.

Yo Mamma such a lowlife, when she looked up her family tree, she found out she was the sap.

Yo Mamma so hairy the EPA declared her pits a wildlife refuge.

Yo Mamma so fat, when they asked if she could pass the basketball, she said if she can swallow it, she can pass it.

Yo Mamma so stupid, she thinks Roe vs. Wade was the choice Washington made at the Delaware.

Yo Mamma so stupid she thinks condominiums are birth control for midgets.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Yo momma's so fat, when she floats on her back in the ocean, people try to claim her as an island!

("I claim this island in the name of Spain....")

Okay, weak, yeah.....but hey, I'm still in training on the "Yo momma" jokes...;)


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