Your Momma's so poor her wecome mat says "Welfare Welcome"
Your Momma' so Poor she ate the cat.
Your Momma's so fat when she walks around she makes a 7.0 on the Richter Scale.
Your Momma's so Dumb people call her retardy and she thinks she's late a second time!
Your Momma's so fat she uses a pair of Radio Flyers as rollerskates.
Your Momma's so ugly she cracked the mirror.
Your momma's so nappy her lice have lice.
Your Momma' so Poor she ate the cat.
Your Momma's so fat when she walks around she makes a 7.0 on the Richter Scale.
Your Momma's so Dumb people call her retardy and she thinks she's late a second time!
Your Momma's so fat she uses a pair of Radio Flyers as rollerskates.
Your Momma's so ugly she cracked the mirror.
Your momma's so nappy her lice have lice.