Yellowstone eruption threat high

theletch1 said:
What?! You mean there really aren't secret alien underground facilities that are working in conjunction with the New World Order to bring about a world government by using sub-particle technology to cause the super-volcanoe under Yellowstone to explode and thereby dropping the overall world population to 500,000? Man, am I ever gonna write a nasty letter to George Noory letting him know what Art has been up to. Seriously, it gets really lonely on the interstate at night and coast to coast is great for a good laugh now and then. :ultracool
One of the psychological hazards of working the night shift behind the wheel while I burn off those last few drops of "Peak Oil" that will contribute to world war and the collapse of society....:shrug:

Tgace said:
One of the psychological hazards of working the night shift behind the wheel while I burn off those last few drops of "Peak Oil" that will contribute to world war and the collapse of society....:shrug:

The whole world co-exists in a perfect harmonious state. Why should we give a turd about potential problems? It's not like we actually could fix them. Worlds Gonna blow up? I guess I got front row seats, crack open a brewski and watch the fireworks cause were DOOMED! What problem has this type of action ever solved?

Needless fear and panic over disease and misfortune that seldom materialize are simply bad habits. By proper ventilation and illumination of the mind it is possible to cultivate tolerance, poise and real courage.
--Elie Metchnikoff
Tgace said:
Needless fear and panic over disease and misfortune that seldom materialize are simply bad habits. By proper ventilation and illumination of the mind it is possible to cultivate tolerance, poise and real courage.
--Elie Metchnikoff
This is one of those topics like asteroid impacts. There is absolutely nothing that one can do about it so one might as well not worry that much. Yet, it does have some academic value. The sheer power of a magma chamber eruption is awe inspiring...and therefore interesting to me.
upnorthkyosa said:
Don't fishlip it dude...
come on people now,
gater round your brother,
everybody get together,
try to love on another right now.

Face it, this isn't gonna happen. People can hardly get along with their own spouses let alone other cultures. World blowing up? No solution? doubt it. Thats why we look into these things just cause we don't have one yet doesn't mean its all over theres still plenty of time. You will definately lose if you give up. I'm no scientist but what would happen if we tried to realese a little steam? How about if we transported a giant iceberg and tried too cool the soup? just ideas, but they are better than panicing or beleiving that the problem doesn't exist.

The point isnt so much of if its "real" as to the idiocy of media, internet and everybody else mongering as much fear, despair and needless concern for the "common man"...what is the point propagating as much worry as possible amongst the population? "Culture of violence???" Were building a "Culture of doom and gloom" where we are sperading as much fear as possible. Even the medias obsession with reporting on every heinous crime they can find is an example of this. Child abduction for example is such a statistically minimal risk, but the media blitz every time it happens scares people into locking their children in the house. Spouses kill each other daily around the nation/world, why is it "news" in New York when a man kills his wife in California? The one case out of how many in that state during the same time period? Its never about "education" its about hype, ratings, and Gavin DeBeckers "Fear Less" for some good explination of the effect of **** like this on society as a whole.
Some say that the supervolcano eruption is 40,000 years “overdue”. Which means that humanity could have wasted its time worrying about such an eruption since the good old days in the caves.
Isn't it interesting that the whole of recorded human existance, much less a human life, is such a short blink of time when viewed on a geologic scale?

40,000 years ago - all of human kind were still hunter gatherers.

Imagine, if you can, human existence on an astrophysical scale.

Cool !
upnorthkyosa said:
I can't see how someone studying this could be able to make that prediction.
Neither can I with precision, but frankly, that's because neither you nor I are vulcanologists.

upnorthkyosa said:
Large scale swelling measured in Yellowstone. Large movements of the Earth, usually start as small movements. There is no real way to differentiate between the small and large scale events.
Why do you say that there is no way to differentiate between the events, particularly in a dynamic system such as Yellowstone? Do you have a background in vulcanology you haven't shared with us before?

upnorthkyosa said:
What is causing the earthquake activity? Tectonic forces in that region are dominated by the Yellowstone hotspot and less by the basin/range tectonics of the further west. In Yellowstone, it is hard to say that an earthquake is purely seismic or purely volcanic.
I would imagine the range of seismic sensors discussed in the reports you linked to that cross the entire nation would make such determinations easier, but again, as neither of us are actually experts in this matter, I'm willing to defer to the US Geological Survey. What's dissuading you from doing so?
Tgace - your optimism is approaching manic levels...Here, repeat after me...

There are things in this world that are beyond my control.
There are things in this world that are beyond my control.
There are things in this world that are beyond my control.

Pessimism or realism?

Peach - I have a degree in geology. Many of my friends from my undergrad work for the USGS.

So are your friends in USGS sharing a higher level of panic about the Yellowstone supervolcano with you than they are with the rest of us? Or am I reading something into your posts that isn't really there?
PeachMonkey said:
So are your friends in USGS sharing a higher level of panic about the Yellowstone supervolcano with you than they are with the rest of us? Or am I reading something into your posts that isn't really there?
Peach, I don't want to be an alarmist about geologic catastrophes. If I was in the position where I had to issue a "warning" about something like this, you can bet that I would do it on the conservative side.


Because I want to keep my job AND because a magma chamber eruption is one of those hopeless situations for mankind. If it is going to happen and there is nothing one can do about why cause a panic. Die fast or die slow.

I do know this...there isn't much in the way of seismic activity or volcanism in Yellowstone that is not attached to the magma chamber and hotspot underneath it. The USGS knows this and that is why it it one of the most monitored "volcanic regions" in the US...besides some of the Cascades.

When Yellowstone burps, we are all watching, because we know that "it" is going to happen sometime.


PS - people get frustrated with geologists because time takes on a completely different meaning.

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